Be All You Can Be: Company Grade "Addition"

1 year ago

Fake CI Ranger Produces Director’s Cut Edition on Company Grade Military Intelligence Officer Assessment Test, While Preparing an Affidavit for the Alexandria Court to Convene a Grand Jury Investigation into the Infections of Some Evangelical Christians, Apparently Saved by Prayer Stones

[FOB FREEDOM, July 21, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, . . .

Each year, only about 5,300 second lieutenants are commissioned in the U.S. Army, coming from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, ROTC and OCS, and only less than one percent will pin on a silver star for the rank of a flag officer. In fact, by the next lowest rank, a bird colonel, the most senior ranked field grade officer, only 12% of those who had been commissioned in the same year class will be remaining, or about 2.5 times your chances of having been infected with the first variant of COVID-19, by secondary attack rate, but, according to the CDC, based upon a small sample that had tested for seroprevalence, as many as 77.5% Americans had been infected with the novel coronavirus, even though a recent JAMA study had determined that you had a better chance of winning a coin toss than your chances of catching the omicron variant of concern, the most transmissible variant, which, clinically, would be too low to be described as a highly contagious disease, failing to satisfy the threshold of 60%, which only then would be capable of setting off a super spreader event.

Not only is one homeless resident of Arlington a retired field grade officer, but, some three decades ago had been the James Tiberius Kirk of the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, defeating the Kobayashi Maru Simulation exercise at the conclusion of the capstone field program, ordering the deployment of tactical nukes, a first in lieutenant training history.

“Of course, lieutenants cannot win, and it is the end and the only thing you want to do is go to bed, but I was told I almost beat the simulation, but my birds got shot down, because I had failed to order a SEAD, or suppression of enemy air defense mission. I would not require a bird, because a tactical nuke is a man carry item, but the point is that even the TAC officer said it would have worked, and that is good enough for me, and now I am waiting for the Alexandria prosecutor to docket his motion to dismiss to declare science not facially plausible, which should be easy since the court has already denied a summary judgment. And, technically, as the person who attended a far superior college, under the adverse judgment rule, I may be barred from appealing, since that would not be an adverse judgment against me,” laughed Major Mike Webb.

Pastor Don Davidson, who had recently retired from the First Baptist Church of Alexandria, nonetheless, was not only pretty confident that he had caught the virus at age 67 while undergoing a catheterization, but also had gone home and infected his wife, with the first variant, which had a secondary attack rate, validated by two, credible bookend studies, of less than five percent, or you chances of being accepted to Harvard, were, and in a recent study, by Jackie Kleynhans, published in eLife, that had examined 340 cases in South Africa involving the original variant, which may come as some bad news for those who cancelled large social gatherings, because they had reported that they “did not find an association between close-range proximity events and SARS-CoV-2 household transmission.”

Providing a summary on the recent study, at least readers of Fortune are now “read on” to the “intel” that, regarding the strain that had infected the members of the Davidson and Graveson families “[c]lose contact didn’t seem to increase the likelihood of other household members becoming infected”, and “[s]leeping in the same room didn’t seem to raise the risk either.” One might ask, “What are the odds?”

Nieves Derqui, in a recent study published in The Lancet appears to boohoo claims by CDC that the risk of fomite transmission, or indirect transmission through contact with contaminated surfaces, was rare, with 1 in 10,000 odds, and in this longitudinal study examining 620 household contacts in London, involving the original variant, they “report a household infection rate of 51·8% in the full household contacts' cohort and 73·5% in the serology subcohort for contacts exposed to alpha variant-infected primary cases, which is one of the highest overall household infection rates for SARS-CoV-2 reported in predominately unvaccinated and previously unexposed contacts”, and have observed that “primary cases with SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected on hand swabs (21 [24%] of 88 primary cases with hand swabs collected) had significantly higher URT RNA viral load than did those whose hand swabs were SARS-CoV-2 PCR-negative (p=0·031; appendix p 11)”. However, like the observations in the study by former Chinese CDC Director George Gao, where the only recovered surface samples were in areas that were not closed off, like freezers, vaults and inner rooms, the forensic evidence suggests that if a pathogen were suspended in the air only during certain periods, as in a deployment of a smoke grenade, just like tear gas will in the air will contaminate clothing, exposed skin surfaces and other objects and surfaces in the area, it would quite naturally also leave residue that could be collected in hand swab samples.

Forbes points out that, reproducibility and replicability as hallmarks of the scientific method notwithstanding, many experts disagree with the findings in the recent reports, and, it is of note that a far larger study than the household trace contact study performed in London had found in China a secondary attack rate of less than five percent, presenting in discrete, clustered outbreaks, with no wider community spread, and dissipating in incidence the further investigators had moved from “ground zero” in Wuhan, where, apparently, farming families, the political opposition in the Detroit of China, appeared to be driving infections, albeit with a disease about which that report had concluded, after examining 19 times more cases than had yet to be reported in the entire U.S. by mid-March 2020, “it is not clear whether this correlates with the presence of an infectious disease”, a clinical finding regarding secondary attack rate that had been invalidated in the largest sample size trace contact study on the original variant.

In the U.S., one former biological warfare planner, and “not a serious option” “pesky” “fringe independent” has noted that, contrary to Pastor Davidson’s beliefs, apparently shared by many, including persons suffering cardiac arrest symptoms who had refused emergency care on fear of dying from COVID-19 at a hospital, contributing to the deadliest year in American history, according to CDC, there were practically no hospital settings, or nosocomial, outbreaks in the U.S., except for at nursing homes, a known risk from the beginning, as anyone who had read the 40-page report prepared by the WHO would have known since February 2020, the report in which they had expressly stated that there were guidelines to protect this vulnerable population that, today, accounts for over 90% of the 1.1 million fatalities in the U.S., and without pharmacological intervention, while even today, getting vaccinated and boosted continues to be recommended by the CDC for a population with a 95% compliance rate, apparently for measures the WHO had said in the beginning were not necessary.

Additionally, although receiving high marks in customer satisfaction surveys from surviving family and friends, the Veterans Administration has recorded almost 11,000 fatalities among inpatient residents in facilities that had been proactively closed the day before the pandemic declaration, and, oddly, the “highly contagious disease” appeared to have targeted only those facilities serving large communities of color, which VA claims was only because these veterans were more susceptible to adverse outcomes, ignoring the fact that catching the virus is a function of first coming into contact with the virus.

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