DISTRACQION | Are you ready to get DISTRACQTED?

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Lobby Content:
-Post 9/11 footage
-An episode of The Twilight Zone
-Kundalini spirit infiltrating the church

Show starts at: 29:30!

Excuse me anon, are you ready to get DISTRACQTED? You can know a lot about “The Truth” and still be just as WOKE as everyone you’re trying to expose. There is a lot of division going on amongst people who are supposed to be on the same side. The body of Christ is not supposed to be divided, and neither are you. Getting DISTRACQTED is using observation and awareness of yourself to come to the TRUTH rather than just by reading alone.

Ever seen those crazy Christians babbling in tongues and flailing around on the floor? Yah, that’s not being conscious. You don’t need to go to a Church to walk in the light. God ain’t listening to that nonsense!

Apparently men and women are out here “ghostlighting” each other? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! Instead of getting butthurt about it, I want understand it.

59:50 - Break Time (🎶🎶vibes🎶🎶)

Now it’s time to show you a DISTRACQION in real time:
-I’ve ghosted and gaslighted people (whoops), but while I did I was conscious of myself, and my conscience was alerting me that something was not right. Overtime, a deeper revelation led to a greater understanding of what caused me to do it.
-Ever heard about the Prolactin-Dopamine relationship after **gasm? This explains ALOT! It’s one of the reasons causing men to treat women in a way such as “ghostlighting”

1:12:00 At the end of the day, I realized that awareness I was living by was actually prayer! God was listening that whole time! I’m sold on praying without ceasing, that’s for sure.

-Pay attention to what you are eating! SEED OILS are a driver of LUST. It’s important to see the things leading to the vices. That’s the REAL DISTRACQTION! Beginning to separate from the evil within.

-If you’re ready to get DISTRACQTED, realize you, and everyone else, are OUT OF THEIR MINDS. Don’t judge yourself and others. Live from a place of understanding. Know thyself and seek the Kingdom Of Heaven, it’s the only way to keep the evil from spreadin’.


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