Russian Chinese Naval drills around their coastline (aka= freedom of Navigation according to NATO)

1 year ago

In course of Russian-Chinese naval exercise 'North/Interaction - 2023', tasks are practised involving joint convoying of ships and expulsion of intruder ship from area closed to navigation

▫️ Sailors of the two countries, as part of the exercise to ensure the safety of navigation in remote areas of the world ocean, carried out tasks of sea and air convoying of ships and vessels. The issues of organising reliable anti-aircraft, anti-ship and anti-submarine defence of the joint detachment were worked out.

▫️ In the course of an exercise involving the expulsion of a mock intruder ship from an area closed to navigation, Russian and Chinese sailors jointly practised implementing a set of standard measures aimed at forcing the ship to leave a restricted area.

▫️ A mock intruder ship, the corvette Gremyashchy, was approaching the order of ships without complying with the requirement to slow down and change course. After unsuccessful attempts to contact the inturder via international communication channels, warning flares were fired in its direction, and then the Utyos machine gun crew fired warning shots at the intruder's course. A Ka-27 deck helicopter was also sent to the ship.

▫️ After taking active actions, the intruder ship dropped speed and was blocked by the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs and the patrol ship Russian Chinese Naval drills around their coastline (aka= freedom of Navigation according to NATO) to find out its nationality and search the intruder.

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