FOX CAM | Barry & Rita Come For Their Evening Feed | Thursday 20th July 2023

1 year ago

We have two (at least) foxes that come down our footpath most nights , so we've recently been feeding them some left over food or food that we didn't eat for one reason or another, steak n kidney pie the other night! No wonder they keep coming back. We normally just watch them out of the living room window (1st floor).....we live in a 3 storey house.
Tonight, Thursday 20th July 2023, I thought I'd put my video camera in the corner of the porchway and see if it would capture them having their snack.
I didn't realise how noisy the main road was, not something that we notice, but the camera did! The main road is about 15 yrds away and there's a nice patch of greenery in front of the house and often hear the foxes in there. I was fortunate a few years ago to wake up early one summer morning and catch mum with her cubs out there. That video is on my channel, so feel free to scroll back a few years to see them. It'd be great to think that maybe the cubs could be at least one of them. No idea how we gave them the names Barry & Rita but its stuck so that's their names. There was a 3rd fox yesterday evening but looked fully grown, so we reckon Barry's got a bit on the side!
During this video, about 6-7 mins in, they do have a little scrap over the food that I put on the drain cover. It was handy when Barry came back and made the security light come back on so you can see them slightly better. Love the crunching they make of the dried food........ don't tell Misti (our Springer Spaniel) that I gave them some of her food, along with left over ham and some wet cat food too. A nice evening supper for them.
I'm sure I'll record them again soon. Maybe try and get the camera in a different position.

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