Tim Ballard, The Knights Templar and the Shocking Ties of Sound of Freedom to Pedo Rings

1 year ago

Tim Ballard, The Knights Templar and the Shocking Ties of Sound of Freedom to Pedo Rings
This Rabit Hole Goes Deep
Tim Ballard, Founder of Operation Underground Railroad
Ex-Department of Homeland Security Agent Tim Ballard began his career with the CIA in 2001 and most likely worked for ICE until 2013 at the Southern Border as they are considered Special Agents for Homeland Security:
Research into Tim Ballard and the organizations that surround him and his partners.
AnonFamous is an INCREDIBLE Researcher.
The Article linked below will absolutely Blow Your Mind.
Countless Links, Videos and Articles that will Shock and Awe.
Far too much to cover here. A MUST SEE...
Tim Ballard is a Digger's Gold Mine
This is all the research I've done into Tim Ballard between 7/4/23 - 7/1423 on my Telegram: anon_fa_mous.
Here is the podcast that I mention, which I recommend listening to first: https://anonfamous.substack.com/p/podcast-7-my-thoughts-on-tim-ballard#details
Mirrored From:
Tim Ballard, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and Executive Producer of Sound of Freedom Paul Hutchinson are all part of the Knights Templar Secret Society. All three of them have also worked extensively with Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) - link
JUL 15, 2023
Most of my threads are related to history and the cabal. This is a rare thread because I’m diving into the present day and making connections to nefarious characters using my knowledge of the occult. I have frequently mentioned that I would eventually make a switch in my research from the past to the present and this thread represents that. I will still work do research into the past but right now my focus is 100% onto the questionable connections to Tim Ballard.
Paul Hutchinson, Executive Producer for Sound of Freedom
He is the founder of the Child Liberation Foundation, used to work with Tim Ballard and is portrayed in the movie, the Sound of Freedom - Link

Hutchinson Co-Founded Bridge Investment Group, a large real estate investment firm based in Salt Lake City, UT.
Achievements are sus:
Knighted Sir Paul Hutchinson by the Knight's of Templar in 2016
Executive Producer in the movie "The Sound of Freedom" featuring Jim Caviezel, Eduardo Verastegui, Manny Perez, Jose Zunig and Javier Godino
Board Member of the Make-A-Wish Foundation
Board Member of the FBI Citizens Academy
Finance Chair for Sean Reyes Utah Attorney general
Honored by Hollywood F.A.M.E. with the International Humanitarian Award
Winner of the Global Race Award from Harvard Law School
Jim Caviezal, Lead Actor in Sound of Freedom and Passion of The Christ
So Jimmy cavizel watched CHILD PORN and SNUFF FILMS to get into a character for The Sound Of Freedom movie that opened number 1 at box office and has led to zero arrests. He has 3 adopted kids from China and a very very bizarre wife.:
 Ben Carson, supporter of Tim Ballard
Here’s the Ben Carson and Tim Ballard Connection - Link
As part of Goya Cares' $2 million pledge to combat child trafficking, Goya announces the Goya Cares coalition partners including:
American Cornerstone Institute, founded by Dr. Ben Carson
Freedom Humanitarian Project, founded by Eduardo Verástegui, actor and producer of the film Sound of Freedom
Operation Underground Railroad, founded by Tim Ballard
Glenn Beck, friends with Tim Ballard and Freemason
Why was Glenn Beck in a movie produced by James Alefantis?
The Haiti Connection
One way the Clinton Foundation received funds to Haiti after the earthquake in 2010 was through 'Hope for Haiti Now'.
Funds were distributed to the following organizations with humanitarian operations in Haiti:
The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
United Nations
Oxfam America
Partners In Health
Red Cross
Yéle Haiti Foundation
Here are some notable Celebrities that participated in the charity telethon:
Mel Gibson
Russel Brand
Mark Wahlberg
Tom Hanks
The Rock
and many more - Link
End Goal
So what’s the end goal of this organization that has put so much focus on ‘Saving the Children’. Their nefarious connection tells me their might be an alternative motive to what they are all saying. This thread is to just make everyone aware of what might be happening right in front of our eyes. In Georgia and other state, they have been pushing an agenda to microchip children so parents can also track them:
Collecting children’s data

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