KyleCreppel 202211182251 BWC2011027 0

1 year ago

On November 18, 2022 I, PTL Kyle Creppel, initiated a traffic stop on a white Chevy Equinox for driving without the headlights and tail lights on. The vehicle came to a stop at the intersection of 1st and S Buerkle St. The driver then exited the vehicle and began yelling while attempting to walk towards my patrol car. I then commanded the driver back into his car. After I approached the car the driver stated that he didn't have a license. I gave the driver's information to dispatch over the radio and it came back as Robert Knox Jr out of Holly Grove, he's suspended, and that he has a warrant out of the city of Des Arc. I then detained Mr Knox and placed him in the back of my patrol car. I then began a search of the vehicle Mr Knox was driving. When I opened the passenger door I could see a half full bottle of alcohol. I continued searching the vehicle and when I opened the center console there was a plastic white sack tied off. Inside of the white sack was a leafy green substance that I presumed to be marijuana. After I finished searching the vehicle, I went back to my patrol car to speak with Mr Knox and inform him that he was under arrest. Mr Knox had a very glossy look in his eyes and his eyes were also very red. After asking if he'd been drinking he stated that he had been drinking the bottle of hennessy that was in his car all evening. I asked him if he'd be willing to do some sobriety test back at the police department and he agreed.
After transporting Mr Knox to the police department, my 20 minute observation period started. We began doing the sobriety test in the hallway. The first test was Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. While asking if Mr Knox wore contacts or glasses I checked for resting Nystagmus. I then began checking equal tracking and smooth pursuit of his eyes. During this the pursuit of his eyes was equal, but the tracking was very poor. I then checked for nystagmus at maximum deviation. While holding the stimulus at the maximum point on the left and right I could see nystagmus in both eyes. The next part of the test was checking for a Nystagmus on-set to 45 degrees. During this part of the test Mr Knox had a poor time tracking the stimulus and would continue looking passed the stimulus. I then checked for a vertical nystagmus. During this Mr knox started to nod his head back, but brought it back into the proper position. I did observe a vertical Nystagmus during this part of the test.

The next test was the nine step walk and turn. While demonstrating this test Mr Knox would begin slouching forward. After demonstrating this test I told Mr Knox he could begin. Mr Knox would then miss multiple heel to toe steps and fail to count his steps aloud. Mr Knox began swaying to his left side and grabbing his pants for balance. Mr Knox stepped off the line once before his turn and when he got to the turn he would execute the turn improperly. On the nine steps back Mr Knox was still failing to count his steps aloud and miss a few heel to toe steps. He would also continue grabbing his pants for balance.
The final test was the one leg stand. During this test Mr Knox would raise his right leg and stand on his left. While counting aloud Mr Knox would slur his words and grab his pants for balance. Mr Knox would sway to his left and lean back. Mr Knox failed to keep his left leg straight and would bend his knee. His right leg would bounce in the air, but his foot wouldn't touch the ground.
After the test were finished I determined that Mr Knox had been too impaired to drive. After placing Mr Knox into the BAC room I began to read him his DWI rights. He would initial that he understood after I read his rights, but Mr Knox refused to sign. After asking Mr Knox multiple times if he would submit a breath test he refused and then would answer the question after I asked again. Mr Knox was then transported to the Arkansas County Dentition Center.

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