The True Definition Of Gravity - Simple 1 Minute Explanation!

1 year ago

The True Definition Of Gravity - Simple 1 Minute Explanation!

Chapter 1: The Right Side of Dark Energy - a Universal Construct
March 5th 2015

Anti Gravity & the Dark Energy Field Effect

Anti Gravity

How does gravity work

we are all looking at it the wrong way -

empty space - though empty in our perceptions is in fact not empty - it is full

empty space is full of what is being called dark energy - this is in fact correct - we don't know the mechanics of dark energy but we do know of its existence

and we do know that the entire universe is basically submerged in it

this dark energy is all the black that we see when looking across the skies into the emptiness of space

so - how does dark energy affect gravity?

Well, gravity is not affected by dark energy - it's quite the opposite - dark energy is affected by gravity - or not gravity but mass - all the things that "create gravity" are actually disrupting dark energy

so - it's not dark energy that affects mass - but mass that affects dark energy

look at it this way - dark energy exerts an equal and balanced pressure in every direction -

as dark energy is the goo of the universe it has spread out and, we think, it has equalized -

[but as far as we can see and for all intents and purposes it has equalized as a constant throughout the entire universe (More observation is needed to confirm or deny this a.k.a. the universe is rapidly expanding?) ]

So - as everything is submerged in the goo that is dark energy - how does it affect mass and how does it affect gravity?

It's actually quite simple - once you start to think of it as an inside out equation - we see the universe and ourselves as in empty space - this is not the case - it's the exact opposite - we are in fact submerged in the universe - you are IN water just like you are IN the universe

So - where does mass and gravity enter the equation - all matter, E = mc2, the power of the atom, the electromagnetic field it exerts around itself does not pull in dark energy - it pushes dark energy away

It's really that simple - gravity is not a pulling inward - though that's the easiest way for our minds to experience it

gravity is actually pushing away the dark energy - through the process of each and every atom on any given piece of matter - those atoms create a void where the immeasurable forces of dark energy is pushed away - repelling said dark energy -

in this void of dark energy - where there is less dark energy on one side - dark energy itself will push on the opposite side, in an attempt to equilibrate, a force on the side with more dark energy will push towards the side with less dark energy

So - it can be said that gravity does not exist, in fact what we perceive as gravity - an attraction of matter towards itself - is completely backwards - its matter that distorts dark energy around itself that reduces the pull of dark energy on other mass within its vicinity - and its dark energy that pushes harder on the side with less distortion - pushing all matter towards itself.

In a way - there is a lot of pressure in outer space - only it exerts an even force on all sides, its only when an object gets close to another object that the electromagnetic distortion of mass interferes with that even force - pushing matter together.

Gravity can be defined as the electromagnetic force that matter exerts on the universe, on dark energy, that causes a "Dark Energy Field Effect" or "Gravity"

Anti Gravity
Orion Michael Guy
March 5th, 2015

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