Who are these People? By Burt Bacharach ~ Revealing the Cabal Conspiracy

1 year ago

Who are these People is a Stunning achievement by the Genius Songwriter, known as Burt Bacharach...the song was an Eruption of Frustration and Anger against a System that was NEVER going to correct itself, rather just continue to drive America and the World into the Gutter, which is right where the Cabal wanted it...

Burt Bacharach has written some of the Finest, most Beautiful Songs ever recorded, and yet this album, At This Time, released in 2005, was a complete departure for the ever Cool and Refined Bacharach, for a Cutting Edge album that ATTACKED the concept of 'Government' all across this Earth, and clearly revealed the Great Conspiracy of the Canaanites to Take Over this Earth for themselves, driving All Men and Wombmen and Children to a sudden and disastrous end based upon Endless INSANE policies that were never going to get better, only worse...Bacharach reached out to Tonio K. to be his Lyricist on this album, and his lyrics Perfectly matched Bacharach's Mood of Frustration and Anger, as Song after Song, called out this Earth-wide Madness, and revealed a Systematic Plan for a small, Hidden group of Monsters to take over this World...this album ranks as one of my all time favorites and is near par to one of the finest albums ever created, the Partnership Creation of Painted From Memory by Bacharach and Elvis Costello...

And on this Track, Who are these People, Costello sings the Lead Vocals for the last half of the song, adding in his now famous line,

'See things have really got to Change or we're all FUCKED...'

As I have said before, Who are these People? was the PERFECT Song to hit the airwaves in 2005, as when the Well Respected Burt Bacharach created an Album like this, then it was incumbent upon everyone to take a second look at just how Dark the World had truly become...

God Bless you Burt, and it is my Sincerest Hope that you did NOT die earlier this year, and that we will All see you soon, on the Other Side of this Insane Madness, and I hope to meet you one day, and to give you a Big Hug in Gratitude for ALL of Joy your Music has brought to me throughout my Blessed Life...

With Great Love, your Friend,

Charlie Freak

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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