Look Like Jesus-Uniquely You? Are We Just as God Made Us?

1 year ago

Today's Question: Am I uniquely me? Am I just the way God made me?

From a regular contributor:|

Several people I know have kids, and are getting to that age where they are getting bullied for being who they are. Mostly being called weird. So, I told their parents next time your kid is called weird or different they should respond by asking that bully to explain what being normal is, and that should make the be quiet. For any answer they give is a lie. NO ONE is normal. Normal is a setting on your house hold appliances, not now, nor ever a term you should use to describe individuals or even groups because God made everyone unique. Normal means like everyone else, which no one is. Heck, I don’t even think you can use the word normal to describe God himself. He made us in his image and likeness, but we are nothing like him in my opinion. He is all powerful and can do literally anything he wills. So if anyone is the weirdo it's God himself. although that sounds a bit mean to say. I told the parents to explain being weird as a compliment. For what is weird? It is not normal, and what is normal? It's not like everyone else. What is not like everyone else? It's unique, and what is unique? It's Special. God did not take time out of his day to create junk when he made our kids or us. What does the bible say about this, and what does everyone else think?

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