This is why Evolution is WRONG!

1 year ago

The origin of life is a much-debated topic. Some have dedicated their lives to finding an answer. Others write the question off as unanswerable. Just what is the probability of life occurring spontaneously from non-life with the ability to reproduce? We should remember that just because something exists does not mean the probability of the event is 100%, as the event may have been the result of a willful intervention.

It has become abundantly clear that earth is the only place where life exists in our solar system.

All of the other planetary bodies have been explored to one extent or another, without revealing the existence of any organic tissue.

Well, how many planets might be out there in the Milky Way and the galaxies beyond? Can we expect that somewhere else life has spontaneously developed and is flourishing? What is the probability of finding life outside of the earth?

Traditionally people under the influence of religion have viewed life on earth as the product of a deliberate and planned creation. Others explain the presence of life through a slow process of development or evolution, which presently seems to be the most accepted point of view.

Well, how do mathematicians assess the probability of the origin of life?

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