Toasted coconut meringue

8 years ago

Super easy and quick. This coconut meringue cookie starts as a serious fluffy meringue before baking to crispy deliciousness.

So here's how to make a simple coconut meringue.

First, 3 egg whites until they are room temp. Then put them in a bowl - preferably a stainless steel bowl.

With a mixer, beat the eggs on medium until frothy.

Now is the time to add in the sugar.. add in 2 tablespoons at a time, while you continue to beat the eggs.

Continue to beat the eggs for an additional minute after all the sugar is in.. Make sure the sugar has dissolved by feeling part of the meringue between your fingers.. if you can feel sugar granules.. add in vanilla and keep on beating.

Put the mixer on high.. continue to beat until you have STIFF peaks (incorrectly keyed as hard peaks in my video)

you know you have stiff peaks when you pull the mixer up and the meringue forms a peak that stands STRAIGHT up and does NOT fall over to form a 'hook'

Once thats done.. time to put it in a piping bag and pipe onto a baking mat or onto parchment paper.. top with toasted coconut.

Bake for an hour and 15 minutes at 225 degrees.. THey will be done once they are hard on the outside and can come off the sheet with ease. If you tap the bottom it should also be hollow.

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