About Neuro-Meditative Dance (NMD)

1 year ago

Begin slowly. Feel your body. Feel the music. Allow the music to move you. This will facilitate a feedback loop where you and your body learn from each other.

The Phases of a NMD:
Part 1) Intention / Warm Up:
Establish a Theme & Let the Music Move You (5-10 minutes)

Part 2a) Initiation / The Dance Itself:
Begin by Moving to Represent the Theme (5-10 minutes)

Part 2b) Keep Theme and Gently Slow Down the Movements (5-10 minutes)

Part 3) Integration / Stopping & Stillness (5-10 minutes)

After the music stops, NMD is over. Stay in the silence for a while. After some time of being with the silence, begin “Practical Integration,” spending time being in the inquiry regarding how you are to move to get up. This consideration will help you stay in touch with your body and move in more conscious, coordinated, and deliberate ways. This form of intentional movements will be different, newer from the ways you usually move. This will help you integrate the benefits of NMD.

The Music You Choose to Use for NMD:
Part 1) Warm-Up Music (5-10 minutes) – Let it be more gentle music so that it supports warming up gently.

Part 2) Initiation Music (5-10 minutes) – Play music that supports the theme. There are two parts of the Initiation. The second part of the Initiation (5-10 minutes) – Play music that continues to support the theme but also slows the movements down.

Part 3) Integration Music for the Cool Down (5-10 minutes) – Play music that supports stopping and stillness. This will be more of a meditative type of music.

After all of the music ends, stay in the silence for some time (5-10 minutes). At some point when you are ready to move, begin the practice of Practical Integration.

If you are interested in experiencing a NMD, here is a 40-minute example. The theme of this specific NMD is "In-Touch-Ness," becoming more in touch with your body and your bodies messages and movements:


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