Acts of God, Lizard People, UFOs, SAG Wars & Weird News

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In what people have called an “act of God,” Pfizer’s factory in North Carolina was hit by a tornado, destroying 50,000 pallets of medicine that ended up strewn across the site. “Lizard people” are back in the news after another person—this time a Chinese man—freaked out on a flight, claiming that the flight attendant wasn’t real and that he was stuck in a time loop. 😳 Most people would just consider this guy crazy, but the same week, Daniel Sheehan, who represents UFO whistleblowers before Congress (like Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch), claimed that the US government recovered a UFO craft capable of warping spacetime. 👽🛸Could this man on the plane be caught in some strange, black op, secret program?

In other news, spiritual practitioners of Falun Dafa had a rally and vigil in Washington DC on 7/20, calling for the Chinese Communist Party to end the 24-year-long persecution that is still going on in China. More than 1500 people gathered for the event, bringing awareness about the thousands who have been tortured or died under the Party’s rule just for practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Join Ben and Rob from Edge of Wonder on this Friday Night Live as they cover all of this and more. Don’t miss the weekly Mandela Effect, Live Q&A, and the Top 10 Weirder News of the Week with a strange, alien creature able to shapeshift underwater; the treasury secretary dining on psychedelic mushrooms in China; and you’ve heard about the Cocaine Bear, but get ready for the Cocaine Shark 🦈

Join Ben and Rob on this Edge of Wonder Live as they take to the skies to unravel this mysterious phenomena. Hear about an Air Force document from 1996 that began the “chemtrail conspiracy,” what cloud seeding is, and how DARPA has been trying to modify the weather for a long time. Don’t miss the Q&A where you get to ask Ben & Rob your questions directly, followed by a live meditation/prayer near the end of the show only on Rise.TV.

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