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Mass Depopulation Escalation Explained
"Chemtrails", which allegedly contain chemicals that are harmful to people, can be noticed in the Georgian sky on a regular basis
This is according to a resident, Mr TS Thomas who has been sending the George Herald e-mails during the past few months, urging for the public to be informed.
"Chemtrails" should not be dismissed as contrails, the normal vapour trail left behind a jet," says Thomas. Chemtrails contain harmful chemicals and are sprayed to induce illnesses among the population, including respiratory problems and asthma.
"You can actually see chemtrails every day, but they are mostly behind the normal clouds. There's no mistaking this. People are getting sick and are even dying," says Thomas.
The George Herald published a letter by Brett Mathers in 2010 in which he also warns of "chemtrails" over George. He wrote, "These are not the usual contrails that a plane’s engines emit at around 25 000 feet, but trails of nasty chemicals that are intentionally sprayed over large populations at around 12 000ft.
A laboratory analysis of these chemtrails reveals the following composition: Chemicals, pathogens, bacteria, heavy metals, nanorobots, biological weapons and much more."
According to Mathers’ letter, after chemtrails are sprayed, "reports of illness increase substantially", including persistent coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, dizziness, disorientation, headaches and aching joints and muscles.
"Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food."
But, says local resident Paul Neser, who flew for the SA Air Force for 37 years, airplanes that spray chemicals must be equipped with air spray equipment, and there are very of these.
He explained that around each airfield, the air space is controlled by the control tower in a radius of 25 sea miles and two to three thousand feet into the air. Outside of this is a bigger area through which traffic is allowed, but when passing through, a plane must alert the control tower.
Neser says the trails that are seen above George are contrails that contain only water. "Water vapour emitted by the engine forms ice crystals when coming into contact with the cold air and form clouds, which is what people see."
Wikipedia refers to "chemtrails" as a conspiracy theory which is "not accepted by the scientific community" and says, "The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by scientists around the world, who say the trails are normal contrails."
Remember when, as children, we saw the first jet aircraft going over? It was unbelievable to say the least. It was a great sight for a child.
Then the sonic boom would come from the aircraft breaking the sound barrier. I can still remember the trails of white smoke coming out, or that was what I thought it was. As it turned out, it was water vapor.
These vapor trails are called contrails, that being condensation from the aircraft. Those trails lasted for but seconds as the aircraft flew over. Those trails were about a 1,000 feet long or so. My point: they did not last that long at all.
Now today things have changed. When these military aircraft come over, the trails go from horizon to horizon.
One February two years ago I finally saw one of the aircraft itself. Until that day, all I had ever seen was the chemtrails and nothing more. As I sat there — and I sat there for several hours — watching what turned out to be very unnatural, I watched as these chemtrails dropped lower. As they dropped they got wider. It was at that time that these clouds, for that is what they looked like at that point, started doing funny things. Things that normal clouds do not do. They started rolling over and twisting on to themselves. I also did take notice that the entire county had been checker boarded in this pattern. In time, what started out as a blue cloudless sky was no more. The whole county had a cloud over it.
It was on that day that I did start paying more attention to these chemtrails. The government, in the beginning, stated that they had nothing to do with it.
But now they have changed their story and have admitted to the spraying.
One point to bring out:
They say it’s nothing to be concerned about. You keep on believing that. I have no trust in our government to ever tell us the truth about anything. I know firsthand just how rotten our government can be and has been in the past.
We cannot trust them. To the government we are nothing but a number to be used and abused. It happens everyday and it is taking place right now as I put these words to print. Don’t believe one of these written words, go outside on a cloudless day and find out for yourself. It will be right there for you to see firsthand. Then research it and find out. I am not going to tell you that it takes place everyday; still, just look. You will see regular aircraft going over and you can compare the trails.
I can’t tell you what our government is truly doing but I can say I do not believe it is for the benefit of our people. I can tell you what I have found out. Because of the persistence of the conspiracy theory and questions about government involvement, scientists and government agencies around the world have told their citizens that the chemtrails are in fact contrails.
B.S. If that were the truth then why the patterns? Our airlines are not the ones that are doing this. It is our military.
It depends on who you talk to and if they work for the government as to what you are told. So-called experts on atmospheric phenomena within the government will tell you chemtrails do not exist. They will tell you that the contrails are being affected by different things such as wind shear of vertical and horizontal directions. Also, they are affected by temperature, sunlight and humidity.
NASA, the EPA and the FAA have stated that the checker-board look of the chemtrails is because of the patterns within the flight lanes of the commercial aircraft. The U.S. Air Force stated in a fact sheet that this has been going on from 1953 until the present day. This is another damn lie. I, just like most of you, have been looking at the sky all of my life and never in the ‘60s, ‘70s or ‘80s did I see the sky look like this. The Air Force has also stated that from the ground you can not really tell what you are looking at. I guess I have to agree with them on that point, but only if you are totally blind and live in a cave.
Do these people really think we are that stupid? The Air Force rebutted chemtrail theories more directly and said that the theories are nothing but a hoax and they have disproved the existence of chemtrails. They also stated that the chemtrails are nothing more than ice crystals. I can see this, maybe, on a winter day but not in July at a height of 500 feet. All this was stated in their fact sheet. The spraying seems to be more constant and the heaviest over the United States and western Europe. In Asia, Japan and Korea are being sprayed. The only country in the area that is not being sprayed at all is China. If you lean toward the conspiracy theory side, then you should not be shocked with the rest of my column. What this spraying is know as is: the genocide spraying operation.
There have been many independent tests done over the past five years and it does not look good. It has been confirmed that all around our country a cocktail of dangerous and extremely poisonous chemicals are being dispersed. This includes barium, cadmium, nickel, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, and the best — radioactive thorium. This is not the total list. The one chemical that is being sprayed the most is aluminum. It can cause all sorts of health problems. The chemical primarily attacks the central nervous system and can cause everything from disturbed sleep, nervousness, memory loss, headaches and emotional instability.
With that said, have you yourself not noticed how people have changed in recent years?
We see every day more and more people dying at a very young age. Look at the mental state of people. Look at all the different drugs that we are using just to maintain our minds.
One thing to add is this:
Water samples on top of Mount Shasta, California have aluminum levels that are high enough to kill small rodents.
The levels are off the chart with the highest being at 4,800 times the maximum contaminate level for drinking water. In a recent snow sample, the level was 100 times the level for aluminum in snow.
Those who work in the field of geoengineering will tell you that the goal is to reduce global warming. Just another lie that we have been told. They got caught. For years, the government denied the idea of chemtrails and geoengineering.
When people started to figure out what was going on, then they owned up to it. As the world’s people observe more strange trails in the sky, we begin to ask more questions that the government can’t answer.
As we ask more questions, the world governments push justification through the mainstream media and their scientific studies.
There is one question in my mind. Why are we being sprayed?
Because inhaled vaccines target the lungs and upper airways where respiratory viruses first enter the body, they are far more effective at inducing a protective immune response, the researchers report.
The reported preclinical study, which was conducted on animal models, has provided the critical proof of concept to enable a Phase 1 clinical trial that is currently under way to evaluate inhaled aerosol vaccines in healthy adults who had already received two doses of a COVID mRNA vaccine.
The tested COVID vaccine strategy was built upon a robust tuberculosis vaccine research program established by Zhou Xing, a co-lead author of the new study and a professor at the McMaster Immunology Research Centre and Department of Medicine.
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“What we’ve discovered from many years’ research is that the vaccine delivered into the lung induces all-around protective respiratory mucosal immunity, a property that the injected vaccine is lacking,” Xing says.
Currently authorized COVID vaccines are all injected.
“We wanted, first and foremost, to design a vaccine that would work well against any variant,” explains the study’s co-lead author Matthew Miller, an associate professor at McMaster’s Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research.
The McMaster COVID vaccine represents one of only a handful developed in Canada. The urgent work is a critical mission of Canada’s Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats, which is based at McMaster.
Researchers compared two types of adenovirus platforms for the vaccine. The viruses serve as vectors that can deliver vaccine directly to the lungs without causing illness themselves.
“We can remain ahead of the virus with our vaccine strategy,” says Miller. “Current vaccines are limited because they will need to be updated and will always be chasing the virus.”
Both types of the new McMaster vaccine are effective against highly transmissible variants because they are designed to target three parts of the virus, including two that are highly conserved among coronaviruses and do not mutate as quickly as spike. All COVID vaccines currently approved in Canada target only the spike protein, which has shown a remarkable ability to mutate.
“This vaccine might also provide pre-emptive protection against a future pandemic, and that’s really important because as we’ve seen during this pandemic – and as we saw in 2009 with the swine flu – even when we are able to rapidly make a vaccine for a pandemic virus, it’s already way too late. Millions of people died, even though we were able to make a vaccine in record time,” says Miller.
“We have revealed in our report that besides neutralizing antibodies and T cell immunity, the vaccine delivered into the lungs stimulates a unique form of immunity known as trained innate immunity, which is able to provide very broad protection against many lung pathogens besides SARS-CoV-2,” Xing adds.
In addition to being needle and pain-free, an inhaled vaccine is so efficient at targeting the lungs and upper airways that it can achieve maximum protection with a small fraction of the dose of current vaccines – possibly as little as 1 per cent – meaning a single batch of vaccine could go 100 times farther, the researchers say.
“This pandemic has shown us that vaccine supply can be a huge challenge. Demonstrating that this alternative delivery method can significantly extend vaccine supply could be a game changer, particularly in a pandemic setting,” says Brian Lichty, an associate professor in the Department of Medicine who co-led the preclinical study along with Miller, Xing and the senior trainees Sam Afkhami and Michael D’Agostino, who are the joint first authors of the study.
Many in the international scientific community believe that the trails emitted by aircraft disperse toxic substances such as aluminium, barium and iron into the air, and are therefore extremely dangerous. The presence of these substances in the atmosphere and the effects that they have on humans — causing conditions such as Morgellons syndrome, which is already the subject of a parliamentary question (E‐002906/2012) — on flora and fauna and hence on the entire food chain, were illustrated during a seminar held at the European Parliament in March 2013.
Can the Commission explain how, from a scientific point of view, the continuous inhalation of heavy metals and the settling of these on the ground (contaminating water and food) do not adversely affect the efforts of Europe’s 500 million citizens to maintain a high quality of life?
Publicly available information on chemtrails and geo-engineering appears to be lacking. Documents explaining what geo-engineering is can only be found on the German Parliament’s website. Why is this kind of information being withheld in most of the Member States and by the Commission? What is the extent of the European Environment Agency’s involvement?
In September 2009 (answer to Written Question E-3730/2009 by Jim Higgins), the Commission said that it intended to follow scientific developments in this area and to take action once the impacts were better understood. Can the Commission indicate the current status of these scientific developments that it is following?
In September 2011 (answer to Written Question E-006621/2011 by Nessa Childers), the Commission pledged to ‘investigate the non-CO2 climate impacts of aviation’ and to ‘deliver such a proposal as part of comprehensive EU climate change policies in the future’. Can the Commission explain what progress has been made with these investigations and with this proposal?
The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years.
The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.
Two methods are employed:
(1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material.
The results show:
(1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical. At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical.
The consequences on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction.
pesticide poisoning distorts hormonal functions, and reduces adrenal availability. The invisible part of chemtrails, the pesticide Ethylene Dibromide that falls to earth immediately and blows through your neighborhood, is reducing your ability to fight off the Cytokine Storm, the fast-kill mechanism of the recently recreated 1918 virus.
Pseudomonas Fluorescens causes bad blood infections in humans. This pathogenic bacteria also thrives on petroleum - such as the ethylene dibromide found in other JP-8 contaminated samples.
Ethylene dibromide is a liquid at ambient temperatures that can cause skin, eye, mucous membrane, and respiratory tract irritation. It may also cause damage to the lungs, liver, and kidneys. These effects can result from all routes of exposure.
Military jets, contained EDB, ethylene dibromide, a known carcinogen.
Medical Management Guidelines
Ethylene Dibromide
Ethylene Dibromide Medical Management Guidelines PDF Version PDF Version, 60 KB
CAS# : 106-93-4
UN# : 1605
Synonyms include 1,2-dibromoethane, glycoldibromide, and bromofume.
Persons whose clothing or skin is contaminated with liquid ethylene dibromide (above 50ºF) can secondarily contaminate others by direct contact or through offgassing vapor.
A liquid at room temperature, ethylene dibromide readily penetrates skin, cloth, and other protective materials such as rubber and leather. It is nonflammable.
Ethylene dibromide is a colorless, heavy liquid with a sweet chloroform-like odor. It's odor is not detectable at a low enough concentration to be considered a warning of excessive exposure.
Absorption can occur by the inhalation, oral, and dermal routes. It is toxic by these three routes of exposure. Toxicity is thought to be due to metabolic products of ethylene dibromide.
§ General Information
§ Health Effects
§ Prehospital Management
§ Emergency Department Management
§ Patient Information Sheet
§ Follow-up Instructions
§ Contact Information
General Information
Ethylene dibromide is a nonflammable colorless liquid with a sweet chloroform-like odor at room temperature above 50ºF (10ºC). It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in most organic solvents. It is heavier than water. When heated to decomposition, it may release gases and vapors such as hydrogen bromide, bromine, and carbon monoxide. Ethylene dibromide should be stored in a dry place at ambient temperature.
Routes of Exposure
Inhalation is an important route of exposure. Ethylene dibromide's odor is not detectable at a low enough concentration to be considered a good warning of excessive exposure. Ethylene dibromide vapors are heavier than air and can accumulate in poorly ventilated or low-lying areas.
Fatalities have occurred among workers cleaning a tank containing residues of ethylene dibromide. The dermal route also contributed to the exposure.
Children exposed to the same levels of ethylene dibromide as adults may receive larger doses because they have greater lung surface area:body weight ratios and higher minute volume:weight ratios. In addition, they may be exposed to higher levels than adults in the same location because of their short stature and the higher levels of ethylene dibromide vapors found nearer to the ground.
Skin/Eye Contact
Ethylene dibromide can penetrate ordinary rubber gloves and leather. Prolonged skin contact with the liquid may cause erythema, blistering, and skin ulcers. Skin absorption may contribute to systemic toxicity.
Because of their relatively larger surface area:weight ratio, children are more vulnerable to toxicants absorbed through the skin.
Acute toxic effects, including fatal systemic poisoning, can result from ingestion. Rapid effects following ingestion can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.
Ethylene dibromide is produced by liquid-phase bromination of ethylene at 35-85ºC. This is followed by neutralization to free acid and purification by distillation. Ethylene dibromide was used extensively as a scavenger for lead in gasoline and as a pesticide and an ingredient of soil, vegetable, fruit, and grain fumigant formulations. However, these uses have almost disappeared in the United States. It is used to some extent as a chemical intermediate, gauge fluid, and as a nonflammable solvent for resins, gums, and waxes.
Standards and Guidelines
OSHA 8-hour TWA = 20 ppm; acceptable ceiling concentration = 30 ppm
NIOSH REL-TWA = 0.045 ppm; 15-min ceiling limit = 0.13 ppm
NIOSH IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) = 100 ppm
Physical Properties
Description : Colorless; liquid at room temperature and solid below 50ºF (10ºC)
Warning properties : Inadequate for exposure to vapors
Molecular weight : 187.9 daltons
Boiling point (760 mm Hg): 268ºF (131ºC)
Freezing point : 50ºF (10ºC)
Vapor pressure : 11 mm Hg at 77ºF (25ºC)
Liquid specific gravity : 2.172 at 77ºF (25ºC)
Gas density : 6.48 (air = 1)
Water solubility : Water soluble (0.43% at 86ºF) (30ºC)
Flammability : Nonflammable
Incompatible with strong oxidizers, magnesium, alkali metals, and liquid ammonia.
Health Effects
Ethylene dibromide is a liquid at ambient temperatures that can cause skin, eye, mucous membrane, and respiratory tract irritation. It may also cause damage to the lungs, liver, and kidneys. These effects can result from all routes of exposure.
The systemic effects of ethylene dibromide are in part due to metabolic conversion to the cell toxicant 2-bromoacetaldehyde.
Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems, or impaired liver, kidney, or respiratory tract function may be more susceptible to the effects of ethylene dibromide.
Acute Exposure
Ethylene dibromide alkylates macromolecules causing cellular disruption and reduced glutathione levels. Cellular disruption in tissues and organs, such as liver and kidneys, results in progressive dysfunction. Manifestation of some of the effects of acute high exposure may be delayed a few days.
Children do not always respond to chemicals in the same way that adults do. Different protocols for managing their care may be needed.
Early symptoms of acute exposure include irritation of the nose and throat. Exposures of moderate to severe intensity produce respiratory manifestations ranging from cough, chest pain, and dyspnea to bronchitis, pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, and hemorrhage. Pulmonary edema occurred 3 days after oral poisoning in one fatal human case.
Children may be more vulnerable because of higher minute ventilation per kg and failure to evacuate an area promptly when exposed. Hydrocarbon pneumonitis may be a problem in children.
Ethylene dibromide is a mild central nervous system depressant. Drowsiness has been reported following ingestion and inhalation. Inhalation of vapors in a confined oxygen-deficient space has caused rapid loss of consciousness, coma, and death.
Liquid ethylene dibromide is a skin irritant. Brief skin contact or contact with contaminated clothing causes erythema and discomfort. Splashing of the liquid on the skin causes a sensation of cooling because the liquid evaporates quickly. Prolonged skin contact may cause blistering and skin ulcers (may be delayed 24-48 hours). Ethylene dibromide can be absorbed through the skin to produce systemic effects.
Exposure to certain chemicals can lead to Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS), a chemically- or irritant-induced type of asthma.
Because of their larger relatively surface area:body weight ratio, children are more vulnerable to toxins absorbed through the skin.
Conjunctivitis has been reported after exposure to ethylene dibromide. Eye contact with the compound may cause temporary loss of vision because of destruction of tissues in the eye.
Ethylene dibromide poisoning often affects the liver. Significant liver damage has resulted from inhalation and ingestion of ethylene dibromide. Necrosis of the liver was a chief finding in a fatal case of acute oral poisoning. In two fatal cases of inhalation/dermal exposure, serum aspartate aminotransferase and lactic dehydrogenase were elevated before death.
The kidney is often affected in ethylene dibromide poisoning. Severe renal lesions were reported in fatal cases of acute oral poisoning and also inhalation poisoning. Lesions included necrosis of the tubular epithelium, cytoplasmic vacuolization of the proximal convoluted tubules, and tubular protein casts.
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea have been reported after ethylene dibromide ingestion.
Metabolic acidosis can occur after high exposure to ethylene dibromide.
Potential Sequelae
Patients who develop severe acute neurologic injury but survive may have both central and peripheral neurologic effects that persist indefinitely.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have not had sufficient evidence to classify elemental mercury as a carcinogen or a noncarcinogen.
Chronic Exposure
No reliable reports exist of adverse health effects in humans exposed chronically to ethylene dibromide.
Chronic exposure may be more serious for children because of their potential for a longer latency period.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has determined that ethylene dibromide can reasonably be anticipated to be a human carcinogen, based on ethylene dibromide-induced tumors in multiple sites and by various routes of exposure in animals. Results from epidemiological studies have been inconclusive.
Reproductive and Developmental Effects
There is inconclusive but suggestive evidence that ethylene dibromide may reduce fertility in men. Antispermatogenic effects have been demonstrated in various animal species. Ethylene dibromide is included in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicants , a 1991 report published by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) that lists 30 chemicals of concern because of widely acknowledged reproductive and developmental consequences.
Special consideration regarding the exposure of pregnant women is warranted, since ethylene dibromide has been shown to be a genotoxin; thus, medical counseling is recommended for pregnant women.
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