EP. 2 - Sovereign Souls Unite with The Sarge & Kat Espinda. It is time to STAND!

1 year ago

The Sarge from ICONS and Kat Espinda from One New Earth are collaborating to UNITE ALL SOVEREIGN SOULS in this brand new show!

It's time to turn the slave ship around and get off for good! We are FREE, SOVEREIGN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN and there are no owners of this earth. God created this earth for all of us to enjoy it in abundance! But our world has been hi-jacked by a sinister group of evil people who have been running this world for a long time unbeknownst to the good people of this country. But people are finally starting to wake up!

This show is for those awakened souls who want to dive deep into the truth of our history, and how our nation was stolen from under our noses. We must now correct this wrong and stand in our rights as sovereign men, women and children.

Ask for my FREE Affidavit of Truth with instructions to send to your bank to challenge the debt! All I am asking is that you pay it forward by donating to Samba's village, so we can get fresh water for his village! Here is the donation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkepoLUZfs

For the Sarge's Personal Declaration of Independence, the bank Affidavit of Truth to challenge your bank or if you have any questions, email me at: onenewearth@protonmail.com

Would you please take a moment of your time and Like this video and Subscribe to my channel? Let's get the truth out together, and become part of a movement to save the world!

Have you Revoked Your Election yet? If not contact me for a free zoom call so that I can go over the details with you! Exit out of the TAX CLUB ASAP, and keep your wealth!

If you are interested in learning more about how to become an American National, exit the tax club and take your first step towards SOVEREIGNTY, please email me directly at: onenewearth@protonmail.com to schedule a free Zoom Meeting to learn more!!!

Sign up on Donor Box here if you are not already and member!

Donorbox Link Here: https://donorbox.org/one-new-earth-donations

HELP NEEDED! If you would like to donate to Samba's family/ the orphans they take care of and the village in Gambia, I set up a GOFUNDME page. $12,000.00 so that they can drill 3 boreholes for their village!!! We can help make this happen! Would you please help give their village and the children there fresh, clean water? https://www.gofundme.com/f/fresh-water-desperately-needed-in-gambia?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1

Looking to be the best you can be health-wise? If so, check out this link to the new HYDROGEN WATER that is available on the market and the owner is a friend of mine! Support small businesses ONLY... that's what I do! I've given up all the big CONGLOMERATES full-stop! That is another way we fight these cabal companies that are destroying our entire world! You will not be disappointed with the water it is the BEST!!!! We always thought the alkaline levels were the key to good water, but it is the HYDROGEN in the water that reduces inflammation and helps heal the body. Do you want to find out more? Visit this link to find out more, and by purchasing a unit you are supporting One New Earth in our mission to free the minds of those who are still enslaved, and move towards a world that is FREE! Find out more by clicking here!

Need a Unique Gift for a very reasonable price? Check out www.aarcrafts.com for an amazing piece of artwork... featuring you and your favorite animal!!!!

BECOME PART OF A MOVEMENT TO SAVE THE WORLD, and please consider giving today towards this movement of SOVEREIGNTY AND FREEDOM! Right now I am a one woman show, so all aloha is appreciated!

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