I'm thankful a money spell worked and Zionism was debated

1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your interest. This is Chad Warren and today is Friday July 21st, 2023 and I made this video because I want to give thanks for a money spell helping me to sell my mower.

Not only did I get the $250 I was asking for my mower but it was an answer to my problem - what do I have to show for all these years of being interested in fringe subjects like conspiracy, magic, the occult, network marketing, etc.

I want to facilitate the emergence of conspiracy culture as it now is dominating and warping mainstream culture because of websites like Banned.Video.

I know that the Republicans, Christians, patriots, conspiracy and other fringe cultures are an opposition to Orthodox culture that is controlled by the Masons.

So, will this be just the commercialization of this controlled suppressed group as the political pendulum swings to the right or can we work with groups that agree and disagree like Jews and Christians so that we ensure that honor is restored as we the weirdos become the new normal and in positions of authority as the corporate consumer cult is transformed into intentional community city-states divided as to how tech is both shunned and embraced moving forward?

Please watch this video to create your own money spell like I did - https://youtu.be/Zc4_sBck_xI

Please watch this debate between Adam Green and Adam King concerning the fear of Zionist Israel ruling the world. Aren't you excited like I am to see people who disagree about such a controversial topic debate it in an attempt to demonstrate honor as iron sharpens iron through respectful debate? - https://rumble.com/v317c1y-adam-king-on-judaism-kabbalah-and-alex-jones-know-more-news-w-adam-green.html

Want a free gram of 🥈 silver? Check out Mintbuilder so you can protect your hard earned money from inflation and central bank digital currency social controls that will block you from your money if you disagree with the government on social media about topics like climate change. - https://mintbuilder.com/1005212

Find me @ Instagram - chadwarren1976

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