How to Grow Sombrero Granada Gold Echinacea (Coneflower): 3 Gardening Tips

1 year ago

The Sombrero Granada Gold Echinacea is a stunning perennial that displays vibrant, golden yellow flowers rising above its dark foliage, and grows to a mature height around one and a half feet tall, spreading two feet wide. The Granada Gold blooms from June through September and is a magnet for bees, butterflies, and wild birds, who appreciate its nectar supply and seed heads. Sombrero Granada Gold is an excellent companion plant for Yarrow, Coreopsis, Delphinium, Geraniums, Grasses, Daylilies, Bee Balm, and Phlox, and effectively deters deer and rabbits. This Echinacea can be overwintered in Zones 4-9. Feel free to deadhead but remember to leave a few seed heads for birds to pick at.

Want to ensure your Sombrero Granada Gold Echinacea thrives? Here are three easy-to-follow gardening tips:

Tip 1: Plant your Echinacea, commonly called Coneflower, in a full sun area where it will receive six or more hours of direct sunlight.

Tip 2: Water your Granada Gold well for the first month after transplanting. Once it's established though, it prefers soil that is moist to dry.

Tip 3: Fertilize your Echinacea once when transplanting, and then again each spring with a well-balanced, slow-release fertilizer.

We hope these simple tips help you grow a stunning and vibrant Sombrero Granada Gold Coneflower!

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