Peace serial - Inner Peace in Pregnancy

1 year ago

Pregnancy is the perfect condition to tune in, to seek harmony with the physiological process of gestation.

Two energies are involved there, the one of the mother & the one of the child. An unbreakable cord is wefting itself between the two beings, influencing mother's physical condition, mood, & even thoughts.

Living pregnancy in peace is a natural state, achieved when letting go, giving up busy life, to center in the core learning: aligning daily intentions & energies to care both lifes.

It's where the father can gain wisdom too, as getting closer of the mother & creating for her love a peaceful context, secure & full of beauty of Creation.

Inner Peace during pregnancy is achieved when the mother to be embraces this powerfull initiation to serve life from within: offering her body as a matrix to the life which seeks to take form, become and thrive in this World.

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