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Corona Mass Experiments leave Wounded Souls and Deep Scars
Interview with Dr. Mark McDonald
Dan: Well, we’re very excited and very pleased to have Dr. Mark Mc Donald with us today, Mark, thanks for coming on today. Good afternoon, how you’re doing?
Dr. McDonald: I’m doing great, thank you.
Dan: Good. Could you start with a little personal bio? Tell us about yourself.
Dr. McDonald: Well, my job is to evaluate and treat the mental and emotional illness of children. I’ve been a practicing child psychiatrist for about ten years independently, but I’ve been in training for a lot longer than that. I also work with adults, couples, families, but mainly what I do is I sit and listen to people in the privacy of my office and I hear their stories. And from their stories I give them advice, I give them recommendations and I give them medical treatment if needed. I’ve been doing this for quite a while, I love what I do, I find it very intimate, personal and meaningful to me, it gives me a great deal of satisfaction but it’s also very painful, not just because of what I hear from individuals, but also because of what I see and hear around me in society to the extent that society is unhealthy and … really, you know, what drew me, empassioned me to start speaking out last March and April was because I do care about the world that I live in, I do care about the bonds between and among people, parents, children, spouses, friends and I saw them just being cut, snipped, stomped on, right and left, for absolutely no good or rational reason and it really… it caused me to despair, initially, and then, when I realized that I had a voice that I could use it gave me hope and it gave me some inspiration that regardless of what happens in the future I'll at least to be able to sleep at night.
Dan: Yes, yes. Now I’ve heard you say that when you leave your house you feel like you’re walking into an insane asylum. Could you expand on that a little bit?
Dr. McDonald: Well, when I was a resident at the university of Cincinnati in my adult residency program, I spent months and months and months on the in-patient, locked psychiatric ward where I would open a door and it would lock behind me and I would remind myself as the door closed that anyone that I saw without a badge was most likely crazy. And it helped me because it allowed me to maintain my own sanity and have conversations that were intrinsically nuts but made sense within the confines of an insane asylum. Well, 15, 20 years later, I find myself leaving my home now in Los Angeles and hearing the door close behind me and then having to remind myself that anyone that I see walking around outside with a muzzle on his face is probably crazy. So that when I have an interaction whether it’s just walking down the sidewalk and seeing a person jump into traffic screaming or I walk across an intersection and the person that’s standing at the other side starts screaming at me, I have to remind myself it’s not me, it’s him or her. That person is actually right now, in this moment, clinically insane, is suffering from delusional psychosis [= building an outcome or activity upon unreal scenarios and unreal perceptions about self, incl. a mismatch of feeling above others while being fearful, based on that, locking into odd idiosyncratic behavior]. I am walking around in one giant open-air insane asylum.
Dan: …which is a nightmare, right?
Dr. McDonald: It is actually, an utter nightmare.
Dan: Yes, you know, I get the nightmare feeling much earlier than you do. It’s about three seconds after I wake up - and I’m sure you know the movie “Groundhog Day” …
Dr. McDonald: Very well.
Dan: ...and every time he wakes up there’s like a second of “ok, where am I?” … and then he’s like “oh no, I’m here again”. But the positive side of that is, I mean that movie isn’t supposed to be a horror story, right? But if you look at it from his perspective, the first half of it is. It’s horrific! But like you say, at one point you decide I’m gonna quit focusing on myself, I’m gonna focus outward, see what good I can do – he even says that in the movie! – I remember there is a moment in the movie, he says ‘you know, no matter what happens, I’m feeling good right now’ because he’s committed himself now to looking outward and doing good. And is sort of how YOU look at things?
Dr. McDonald: I’ve always been someone who thrived on trying to maintain a sense of control over my environment and over my situation, I’m a perfectionist. And there is some good that can come from that, you know, OCD – I’m not OCD [=Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ] – but OCD can have its good outcomes, it can help you to achieve to strive, to do better. But I’ve had to really give up on absolutely everything, almost any influence I really have over my environment, since last March and April, because things were so chaotic, so sick, so unintelligible, and it’s been very difficult. But the upside of giving all of that up is that you then free yourself to be able to interact without expectation. Purely instinctively in every moment – which can bring about a lot of really interesting and unexpected experiences between you and the environment, between you and other people. And they’re not all good. Some of them are horrible. But they can also be really surprising and touching. I was lying on a beach chair in Mexico last month and just enjoying the sunset when a couple passed me by and started staring at me. And it made me uncomfortable. And I said: Can I help you? And they spoke English, they were from Canada, and they said ‘Are you that doctor from Washington?’ – ‘Yeah’, and they said: ‘Oh, that was wonderful, we were so… we can’t tell you how much inspiration it gave us to hear you speak. You said everything that we wanted to say.’ And we went up talking for an hour. That never happened to me before, ever! Certainly not on a beach in Mexico! So, some of the experiences that I’ve had, interactions with people have been so moving and so inspiring that I have to say, there is actually a lot to be said in just letting go and allowing anything to happen rather than trying to manage and control outcomes and that’s been the upside.
Dan: Now when you say from Washington, was that when you went with the Frontline Doctors?
Dr. McDonald: That’s right.
Dan: Well, today we’re gonna talk about the psychological effect of the Covid response. You know, you can give a lot of statistics, but some listeners react to a more heartfelt story and this one’s very sad, but I heard you mention on one of your interviews, the sad case of a girl, a death of a girl and her overdose. Could you briefly tell us about that one?
Dr. McDonald: Well, I’ve been in practice for 10 years and I work with primarily young people and young people generally don’t die, not of unnatural causes. And I lost my first patient to unnatural causes back in March 2020, a girl who was studying in her Graduate Program here in Los Angeles in therapy, to become a therapist, … who basically got kicked to the curb by society, her school shut down, her support groups left, she had a remote history of some Opiate abuse – she’d been abstinent for years, doing well, had a sponsor, was going to meetings two or three times a week – everything just shut down and her emotional stability tanked, her boyfriend left her, she was just sitting at home in her apartment alone without anything to do, no family nearby – and wasn't a suicide gesture or attempt. She was just down and out and didn’t have any support, and so she started experimenting with drugs again … and she wound up getting a vial of opiates that were laced with Fentanyl, injected herself and was found dead that next day of respiratory depression by a neighbor. This was the first direct personal loss that I experienced from the government response to this viral pandemic. And ever since then I’ve seen minor losses, lesser losses in my patients, in people I know, in friends, in colleagues – ongoing for now 12 months. Until just two weeks ago I lost my second patient, this time a 15-year-old boy, the son of a doctor, Laura Berman, who is a national celebrity psychologist on TV and radio – also of a Fentanyl overdose, again not a suicide gesture – the boy was literally sheltering at home under the “Safer at Home”-Order of our local mayor Eric Garcetti, as his schools have been closed for over 11 months and got bored because he couldn’t go out and play with his friends, he wasn’t even allowed to play football which is what he really loved, so he went on to his App on Snapchat on his phone and found a guy willing to send him a Xanax pill just to help him calm down, delivered it to his house, the boy took it with his parents downstairs – 20 minutes later he was lying face-down in a pool of vomit – blue – dead. It was laced with Fentanyl. His mother’s been speaking about this all over national radio and television, so I’m not breaking patient confidentiality in talking about it. She wants the word to get out. But this boy, who was an ADHD [=Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder] patient, he just had ADHD, is now dead. BECAUSE OF: the government telling us that our kids are safer sitting at home. I mean, what utter lunacy is that? Two deaths, 11 months apart, both for the same basic reason, same cause and both completely avoidable.
Dan: And it’s like the politicians and the doctors in charge who are making these decisions, it’s like they’re not even doing a cost-benefit analysis. I mean, I thought that one of the worst tortures you could endure was solitary confinement. I thought that the way to get to a really thick-skinned hardened criminal was put him in solitary. So, when they say, the best place, the most healthy place for a kid during this pandemic is locked up at home on his own – are they doing a cost-benefit analysis between comparing ‘what are the dangers of Covid to a zero- to twenty-year-old healthy kid, and solitary confinement?’ I mean, I have a story, too, a colleague of mine has [knows] a mother... I live in Japan and her older daughter was at university, penned up in her dorm-room taking Zoom-courses, depressed, lonely and winter vacation was coming around and all she could think about was getting back with her family. Education’s important here though, so, the younger daughter was doing her tests, they call it a 'jukensei [= Japanese: a student preparing for entrance exams] And she was [going to be] taking her test, getting ready for university exams, which is very important. And her mother said to the older daughter ‘don’t come home’ – and you know how this ends up. So that the older daughter, the only thing that she was looking forward to, she is in solitary confinement basically, and she commits suicide. And this is not isolated. This is happening all over the place.
Dr. McDonald: It’s happening everywhere and the information has been suppressed. I have looked, and many others in media, and research professions who are better at finding information than I am, and searched high and low for the stats [statistics] on suicidal ideation [= the mental power to form an idea of committing suicide] and suicidal deaths, especially among young people in the United States, you cannot find them. They have been washed, they have been scrubbed. All you can find are anecdotal reports and specific coroners reports from very specific cities, like say Las Vegas where the suicide deaths doubled this academic year. It went up 100 per cent compared to the previous academic year. And it made such a splash locally, it was repeated nationally and the Las Vegas school system had to re-open its schools because they could not in any way, shape or form, continue to argue that it was safer for the kids to stay at home. It was so obviously false. This should be happening all over the country. Not the deaths, but the re-openings. And it’s not and it’s because people aren’t hearing and getting accurate information.
Dan: Yes, yes. Well, so along these lines the psychological aspect of all this, you say that the main cause of mental disorders in youths is isolation. So, could you talk about the psychological effects that masking, social-distancing, lockdowns, bans on gatherings, bans on school-sports, closures of club activities and hobbies and constant fear propaganda – what effect does all this have on our children?
Dr. McDonald: Well, it’s absolutely devastating. And it affects every child differently depending on his developmental stage. With really young children, babies, infants, toddlers, it’s this masking. Children learn how to read people, how to feel people, literally feel other people by looking at faces. Their eyes until about six months or so only focus on about six to twelve inches ahead of them. Because they are supposed to be looking at facial expressions, and nothing else. What happens, you know, hypothetically, rhetorically speaking - what happens if a baby was born a year ago and spent the first 12, who knows, 18 months? … or what are we gonna be on – 24 months of his or her life only looking at gauze-napkins, covering people’s mouths and noses. There is going to be a gap in physical, neurological development that I don’t know will ever be repaired. We’ve never done this. We’ve never experimented on a societal civilizational level before on an entire generation of children by preventing them from looking at faces. That’s just the masks. And you go on to toddlers and slightly older kids that don’t get to play and tumble and touch their friends and feel toys and exchange toys, they’re just sitting by themselves, playing on their own without anything but a screen to look at? And what about the kids that are in, you know, early Junior High School, High School, where they have to develop a conflict resolution, winning magnanimously, losing graciously, figuring out the opposite sex, whether that person likes him or her or not, how to manage social conflicts in groups outside of school, how to play on team sports, none of this is happening, none of it! It’s all gone. This has never ever even been considered before in our society and yet we’ve enforced it on every single child in the country for over a year now. I am concerned that even after all the restrictions go away and schools go back and who knows when they’ll really go back to normal, there will be such a deep scar, a deep wound that the recovery for these kids will never be complete, that they’ll always be handicapped in some way, depending on what they lost, depending on what age they were at when this started and when it stopped.
Dan: And you know, you talk about this from the child’s point of view, looking at it from the adult point of view, one thing I’ve always noticed is there’s nothing that gives old folks more pleasure than young children. I mean, it could be grandparents or it could be someone else’s kid, it could be a couple of old folks sitting on a bench watching the kids on the swing or the merry-go-round at the park and they’re always smiling and I think, a young child it’s just part of nature, it’s part of growing up that… if you’re just doing what you do normally and you’re between two and five years old, an adult is gonna smile at you. It’s part of their world, it’s constant. You go to the park and if there is a range of people you’re gonna get smiled at. So it’s a normal thing and all that is gone!
Dr. McDonald: I have a CPA [= certified public accountant] who told me last week, he has three children, one is two, the other is about eight and then the third one is about nine or ten. He takes his kids to the park- or used to – meaning in the last few months – he used to, he stopped – and as soon as he gets to the park, lets the kids loose, the first thing that happens is these self-appointed community volunteers patrolling the park come up to him and start screaming at him because his kids aren’t wearing masks. He said it’s gotten so bad that he doesn’t even take his kids to the park anymore. He just lets them play in the backyard. This is what I mean by self-policing, by group-control. This is what I mean by the three stages of degeneration of our society: fear, delusional psychosis, and group-control. The police aren’t there giving out tickets, although they could, legally, in the city of Beverly Hills you can get fined, ticketed if you don’t wear a mask outdoors over age two. But the police aren’t doing it, they stopped. Why? Because we have our neighbors doing it!
Dan: Ya. Oh, when you mentioned self-appointed police, it reminds me of the novel “All quiet on the western front”, there’s a character, I don’t remember his name, but he’s basically like a staff sergeant. And so he’s got all this power and he’s just, he's like a Captain Queeg [=character from The Caine Mutiny]. He’s bossing people around and in real life he works at the post-office and doesn’t really have control over anybody at anytime. So this war that has come on, this emergency that has emerged in society is just perfect for him. 'Cause now he has power over people, and he’s… I don’t think he wants to the war to end. He just loves his position. And we have a national emergency that it seems like if you listen to Fauci and Gates, it’s never gonna end, and this is just… I mean this is a gift to the busy-bodies out there who otherwise would never have been able to, but are now lording over us.
Dr. McDonald: There is a cartoon that just came out last week in the Babylon Bee that show the image of an angry woman with a mask on, with her fist clenched in the middle of a hardware store and the title was: “Distraught and distressed population at a loss of what to do, with no sense of purpose, now that mask mandates have been lifted, and they’re not able to scream and shame the population around them.” This is what’s happening. People who found a purpose in controlling and managing and manipulating and intimidating other people have risen to ungodly levels of power and authority. Not by voting, not by group acclamation, they were just blessed by the scepter of the politicians and here they are, out and about, just being a thorn in the side of parents, of small children, just trying to get out and breathe and get some fresh air. I am convinced that there is a quality in everyone, of control, of taking over and manipulating the society and the people around them and that it’s held in check in some people by value-systems and virtues. But by others it’s held in check by society at large, by government, by police, by neighbors, by social pressure, and if we take that away, then a small but significant percentage of the population just becomes ‘Gestapo’ and there is nothing to stop them and that’s what we’re seeing right now.
Dan: Yes, yes. I was on vacation in 1990, maybe 91 and I was in Germany and this was just after the Berlin wall broke down, or maybe a year after and so there was still a stark difference between the west and the east and I happened to be in Bavaria and I had a rail pass and I said, well I should see what the east looks like before it’s completely absorbed by the west, and I remember crossing the border, some place in Northern Bavaria heading towards Leipzig, had to switch to an old rickety train, and everything seemed different, but I managed to find a place to stay on the outskirts of Leipzig in this old nineteenth century home, built way before the war, beautiful place. But, I remember, at the home, the family, they kept telling me about what life was like under constant, constant surveillance and like you say, not necessarily from the police – yes, there was a heavy Stasi presence – but it wasn’t just them and it didn’t have to be them, because there were so many people willing to spy on each other and report each other and we are getting to that. I read an article, this was from last year in May, like in New Jersey, there was an article in one of the online magazines, and they were happy that the local police had decided to start using drones to fly around and bark at people when they didn’t have their mask on. And the subtitle of the article was: ‘And we love it!’
Dr. McDonald: They do, don't they? They love it. There is a sick perverse inhumane part of people at a rotten, dark, putrefied part of their heart that loves to see other people controlled and snuffed out. It’s sick, it’s perverse, it’s evil. And it’s been fertilized by government response in the last 12 months.
Dan: Yes, yes. Well, one of the things I mentioned with you in our e-mail exchange before was the effects on people of not being able to plan. And planning is sort of something germane to life, it’s what we humans have to do to just live. And I did an interview about a month and a half ago with a restaurant owner in Covina and we touched on that. I said: You’re not likely to put - at this point - to put any investment into the infrastructure or changes or new staff or, you know, hire a star chef, etc. – and that goes for all of us, right? None of us can really plan, three, four, six months ahead, and that’s gotta be contributing to the madness. Can you touch on that a bit?
Dr. McDonalds: I believe that the inability to plan and the lack of capacity and opportunity to plan, the illegality essentially of planning, the constraints that are being placed on us, actually turn us into animals. One thing that separates people from animals among other things is that we actually look ahead. Animals don’t. They eat, they defecate, they drink, they sleep. That’s all they do. They just live day to day. And they are very content with that. We have been told essentially that the function and purpose of our lives now is to be like a dog in a cage. We’ll be guaranteed our meals, if we don’t have money, if we’re out of a job, we’ll get a stimulus check. And we go cash it and then we go home, we order some food online, we pay with the stimulus money that someone delivered to us, we eat, we go to sleep, we might go and walk our dog every now and then, but God forbid we should wanna travel, we should wanna celebrate a graduation or a wedding or grieve a loss of a loved one in a funeral or invest our time or money into something that might reap a benefit a year or ten, twenty years later, all of this is now banned, made illegal, coerced into nothing, driven into dust; I think it makes people start to feel like they’re just dogs. That they don’t serve any higher purpose, any higher goal, their function is now limited to simply taking and using and returning back to follow this cycle again. The people have become soulless, there is a dehumanizing effect in not being able to plan. And I know that that’s what happened in the totalitarian regimes in the twentieth century, and ongoing in the current day in China to some extent, it’s a little different cause they’re a little mixed. But, in all of those Eastern European Soviet imposed totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century, the inability to be able to plan your future rendered a lot of people less human. I think that’s what’s happening to us right now.
Dan: Yes, I saw a little bit of that, lesser humanity aspect. Just walking into a grocery store in one of the former Eastern bloc countries. But … I can imagine… like, in terms of planning, I’m living in Japan and so learning Japanese is an endless lifelong process, especially the Kanji [=pictograph character writing system] , so I’m always doing that. But one thing I do on the side, like when I have my little vocabulary book - on the side, sometimes I also include the German. Because KLA is a German-Swiss operation and I’m always … well, before, last year I was always planning on, ok when am I gonna go back to Germany and Switzerland and meet my colleagues and I thought ‘Gosh, would be great if I brushed up on my German.’ I don’t even do that anymore because I’m not even planning on – are you kidding? – an international flight without my health-passport and my shot and the App on my phone and whatever else they got coming down. Are you planning on getting the full package?
Dr. McDonald: I have absolutely no emotional or rational interest in receiving any experimental vaccinations for this Chinese Wuhan flu virus whatsoever, for multiple reasons. The most basic and simple is that I’m not at any risk of getting sick, hospitalized or dying from it and given that, there is really no reason even continue the argument. And that’s where the argument ends – in MY book. But if you wanna go further with the argument, then the next question is: Well, assuming that I benefited which I don’t, what’s actually the risk involved? My God, part of the risks that are known are already scary enough. Anaphylactic shock, antibody enhanced immune reaction, raised levels of autoimmune disease risk, sterility, stroke, heart attack, thrombus – and this is just for men – and what about for women? Women of child-bearing age have a risk of temporary and perhaps permanent infertility, miscarriage if they are pregnant and future miscarriages if they get pregnant again later, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's disease [= long-term autoimmune disease reducing the body’s moisture production] , these are really serious, chronic, destabilizing, life-destroying, medical problems that really have no solution and no treatment. For the potential at the best, most beautiful glorious upside: limiting your fever and vomiting and nausea for two or three days – you’re gonna risk that? Is this like the thalidomide crisis of the 70's where women were told “well you can avoid morning sickness by taking this pill,” and then your baby is born with flippers instead of arms and legs. Can you imagine those women for the rest of their lives asking themselves, wow, for me to be able to say I didn’t have morning sickness and throwing up for a few weeks, I have to now suffer the injustice for my child, of this child never being able to use his arms or legs? That would bring some women to want to commit suicide. And yet that’s what we are offering them? Women of child-bearing age – we are offering them permanent infertility and placental loss in miscarriage so that they can be a little bit more comfortable with a fever and an upset stomach for three to five days? That’s insanity! That to me is not just an illogical argument, it’s irresponsible, it’s unethical, it’s evil. It’s actually evil.
Dan: Yes, and criminal.
Dr. McDonald: It is criminal, it’s legally criminal and morally evil. It’s just so, it’s almost unfathomable to me that we’re even having a discussion about this right now in larger society. I can hardly even believe it’s happening.
Dan: Yes, and it dawns on me, you can look at this in three sections, like you said: Just for starters: The sickness itself doesn’t worry me, right, I’m in a category of health, age, whatever. It doesn’t worry me enough to go running for the hills to find a solution. Okay, but if you wanna have that discussion, as you say, let’s look at the potential dangers that we’re looking at. And they are legion. You can even go farther than that and say: okay, we've got those two things, the third thing is: They are selling this, they are hyping this – or they were, at least at one point - as a way to get out of the madness. But it appears, they don’t want us out of the madness even with universal vaccination.
Dr. McDonald: That’s correct. I’ve said from the beginning that this is has been a pandemic of fear based on lies. And I have distilled down all the lies that I’ve been able to see, including this experimental vaccine lie – freedom through the vaccine – into three basic lies, on which all the other lies are built. One lie, the very first one, is that healthy people are spreading disease and killing other people. That was a lie from the very beginning. It is not true. There's no evidence to support it. There's very little evidence of super-spreader events. And there's no evidence that any children have ever infected other children or adults. None. Zero. That's the first lie. But that's how we got the mask, and social distancing, and closing schools and all that nonsense. The second lie is that people of any age are equally at risk of dying from this virus. Flat out false; we've known it from the beginning. And the evidence has only served to reinforce that obvious fact, that the people that are dying are in one percent of the population, they're over age 70 and they have comorbidities specifically morbid obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, some form of respiratory or auto-immune compromise and cardiovascular disease. That's it. Outside of that category, your risk of dying of coronavirus, meaning not with it but of it, is about level with dying in a car accident if you drive to work every day over a one-year period. That's it. The third lie, and this one is what's driven the experimental vaccine fraud, is that there's no treatment for this if you get sick. Lie! If it were publicly acknowledged and accepted that we have very effective, safe, available and cheap treatment for both prophylaxis and early-stage symptoms of illness, including vitamin D, zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, and now more recently, Ivermectin, which has shown in three studies, one just recently released from Israel- placebo-controlled double blinded trial, six-fold decrease in hospitalization and death with Ivermectin vs. placebo. If all of that were acknowledged by our government, and other governments outside of Africa and India, the Emergency Use Authorization, the EUA for these experimental vaccines would not have been approved or would have been revoked, and none of the vaccines would have made it out under emergency use authorization. And we wouldn't have the vaccines. People don't realize this, but these vaccines are not FDA [= US Food and Drug Administration responsible for controlling and approving pharmaceutics, food, etc.] approved. They're experimental vaccines. Every person that gets one of these shots is consenting, voluntarily agreeing, to be a participant in a national trial of a medical device. They are not receiving an FDA approved medication. They are receiving an experimental therapeutic. And so I'm convinced at this point, that the main reason why all the therapeutics were panned from the very beginning had nothing to do with Donald Trump and it was not political; it was actually more insidious than that. It was power driven and money driven because if the Hydroxychloroquine and the zinc and the Ivermectin and the vitamin D had all been approved for use by the FDA back in January or February or March, then not only would we have saved all these lives and kept people out of the hospital, you know, two weeks to flatten the curve- we would have never had a curve. It would have been gone. And we would have reached herd immunity within 90 days. Had that happened, none of the, what is it now, 800 billion dollars in funding for these vaccines, now a third with Johnson and Johnson, project Warp Speed and all of this, would have ever happened. And none of that funding would have been dispersed, none of the money would have gone to the three companies, none of the money would have gone to the clinics, it wouldn't have gone to the governors. It wouldn't be going out to the clinics. None of that money and political muscle flexing, the dispersal money would have happened because everybody would have been on, as they are in India, little packets of two dollar per day, or two dollar per week prophylaxis treatments that don't make anybody any money because they're all generic supplements and drugs that have been around for sixty years and everybody would have been fine. To say this sounds so crazy in a way because it's like saying well, the whole pandemic, the medical pandemic, could have been avoided. But I actually believe that in most cases, not perfectly obviously, but 80% reduction in deaths. That's huge! With no vaccine! None whatsoever. We could have ended this in a few months if we had not been corrupted by power politics and money, but that's what happened.
Dan: And since they don't claim that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission, it's basically just medicine too, but with a huge amount of danger involved, as well.
Dr. McDonald: It's a therapeutic that confers risk unlike what I just mentioned, which are therapeutics that don't confer risks. At a much, much greater expense, of money and life, but it makes a lot of people very rich, and gives a lot of people a lot of power, and maintains the fear factor because now we can tell people, “well look, we just spent 800 billion dollars on these experimental vaccines that are supposed to save your life, but for the foreseeable future, which could be 2, 5, 10, 20 years, you're still going to have to stay at home, you'll have to do your zoom calls online, your kids are going to have to learn from behind a computer, and you're all going to have to wear masks, even if you want to go hug your grandmother in the nursing home, which won't be allowed, because even masks aren't going to protect her from death, and your vaccine, and her vaccine. That to me sounds, not just irrational; it sounds nefarious.
Dan: Yes, yes. I saw a, I think was a good comment in the comment section the other day, and the commenter was imploring us to not say 'vaccine' because it doesn't fit the legal definition. And he says that the reason is that when you do say vaccine, for something that doesn't prevent transmission or infection, now you're entering into a zone where a catch word has been thrown out there that just shuts down conversation. Because if you criticize the thing, the medicine that they're putting on us, then you're an anti-vaxer and we're done. We can't even move from that point. It's a non-starter.
Dr. McDonald: That’s right. The whole campaign for the vaccine has been based upon the understandable acceptance, broad acceptance in embracing of these life-saving power of an actual vaccination. And real vaccinations that have been used and tested safely for years have saved a lot of lives, especially in children where disease was likely fatal. But to co-opt that term for a product that is not a vaccine in a situation and context that is not life-threatening is a total perversion of what a real vaccine is. And by framing the conversation that way, it shuts it down. I’ve learned recently that one of the reasons why those who are on the side of truth – and I believe I am on the side of truth – have not been as effective as we had hoped from the very beginning in exposing the falseness of this massive fraud and also convincing ignorant and fearful, but not malicious people, to come around is that the conversation has been framed by those who are on the side of propaganda and the fraud. They've started the conversation in this sort of ‘when did you stop beating your wife?’ kind of way. And you can’t win that because you’re already at a disadvantage. You’re already playing defense. We need to frame the conversation with honesty. We need to get ahead of it. We need to say: We have a therapeutic medication available that will reduce symptoms but not confer immunity, it also has a lot of risks – would you like to discuss those options or perhaps others that have fewer risks and much more benefit, especially for someone in your age category? That’s a very different framing of a conversation and I bet you, most people would reach a very different conclusion if you started it that way, versus: when did you get your shot? – well I haven't– why not? – well, I, I… - don’t you want to hug your grandmother? – well, yeah, absolutely – well, okay we’re gonna put you down for Monday, is that okay? – yeah, I guess so… - conversation just ended, you lost.
Dan: Right. … I just lost my mic...
Dr. McDonald: … speaking of losing things.
Dan: Yeah, we’re losing our minds.
Dr. McDonald: But you know this, Danny, this is really the way that the left has always won. It’s by controlling the language and controlling the conversation. And much of what’s happening that I think is nefarious is being run by the left, or more specifically I would say by the statists, those who want to strengthen the power of the Federal Government in conjunction with very small number of elites and corporations and unions, organizations that are sometimes activist in nature – it’s not possible for a state and their support groups and their allies to succeed if full freedom of speech, information and debate is allowed. I can’t think of a single exception to this in the twentieth century where a government has taken over along with its lackeys and succeeded in controlling a population without restricting speech and information and managing it. Just like in the dystopian novels of Orwell and Huxley. Always, always you managed speech. And you know, “Brave New World” was frightening when it was published, but we actually now have a ‘minister of truth’ in our Federal Government. I mean, it’s shocking, that the book that was written decades ago has actually come to fruition. We actually have an appointed public official who is managing a ministry of truth to decide what is truth and what is false and how to censor and edit information in media at the federal level. This is so … it should be so terrifying to everyone in the country, and you hear almost nothing about it.
Dan: Yes, yes, the 1984 and ‘Brave New World’ parallels just jump out daily, don’t they?
Dr. McDonald: They do.
Dan: Well, I wonder if we might be able to end on a positive note after talking about 1984, so, let’s say, people watch videos like this, there’s a little more enlightenment, people wake up, how do we get out of this, you have like a three-step plan and how do we deal with the psychological damage you think that’s gonna be semi-permanent with us, even if we do get out of the obvious things like the lockdowns and distancing and the masks.
Dr. McDonald: Well, for us to come out of this, there are a few things that are gonna be necessary. One is, to quote Thoreau: “You must start to think for yourself.” Americans got into this because they stopped thinking for themselves, they started thinking… they started being thought about by experts. And those experts weren’t thinking of them, so they were being thought for, not thought of. I don’t believe that we can actually get out of this, unless every individual American starts to act responsibly with his own thinking, his own critical mind, his own thoughts. There just is no way really to fight back if you’re not willing to actually speak up, stand up and criticize. We have to have that. It doesn’t have to be every single American, we have to have enough people who are willing to do that in order to have a fighting chance. I think that’s absolutely critical, and I am seeing that happening now and it’s crossing party lines, politically, it’s crossing racial lines, age, sex, I’m seeing Bernie Bros in Santa Monica, single mothers standing up and saying “Screw the teacher’s unions”, defund UTLA, defund the Teacher’s Union, stop defunding the police, let’s get rid of these teacher’s unions that are telling us that re-opening schools is racist. This is nonsense.” And these are people that would have been out marching last year, you know, for George Floyd, which I don’t support, those marches, but I understand that if somebody is so frustrated with the sacrifice of their children that they’re willing to go against what they were marching for the year before, that shows that they’re starting to wake up and think. They’re starting to say: This doesn’t make sense. The more that this spreads across the city, the state, the country, the more that we’re gonna have a chance to shut this nonsense down. I think that’s very very important. I also think that there will probably be, once all of these restrictions go away, and people start to think more clearly, there’ll be inevitably a lot of damage that means to be cleaned up, and I have said recently what I believe will need to happen is like a massive rehab program for trauma survivors. We’re going to have a whole group of people, slices of different generations of people, who are going to be scarred. I don’t mean like economically disabled, you can always get more money, you can always rebuild - but psychologically damaged. They’ll be damaged in a way that is not just a light switch, you know, flip-on, and come back to life. They’re going to carry like cerebral palsy, like you know gimpy arms and dragged legs around with themselves until a very long time until they get that equivalent of physical therapy to help themselves improve, and for some of them, they may never. Some people with neurological problems, even with PT (Physical Therapy), they don’t get better. They’re just permanently disfigured. And I think there will be people who simply will never get through this. There will be, I’m sure, a group of people, a lot of middle-aged women, for example, that will just never wanna leave their masks at home, they’re just never gonna feel safe. And I don’t know what will be done with them unless they actually decide that they want to be free of this and go get therapy, they’re going to suffer for the rest of their lives. I hope that that’s a small number of people, I hope that it’s a minority, and I hope that the people who are traumatized and scarred will stand up and say: I don’t want to live like this anymore, I don’t wanna live in fear. Like a rape victim says: I don’t wanna be afraid of men for the rest of my life. I’m not gonna let the oppressor victimize me. I will no longer be a victim. I’m gonna stand up and get myself back, I’m gonna take myself back, and my freedom back. That’s what we need. We need that kind of courage, that bravery, that willingness to risk and move forward in order to get our lives back. And every person of any age from young to old is going to have to make that decision for himself. Some people won’t. But that, I think, the more we see that happening, the more that we’re going to get a healthy country back. A healthy country, free of fear and thinking freely for themselves.
Dan: Yes, and you mentioned every person of every age – I would also say that people can’t just wait for things to happen on a global or national level. It’s gotta start with the individual, then your family, then your community – I guess when if live in New Mexico and you notice that those people over in Texas suddenly don’t have to wear their masks, that’s good, we have to have sort of a domino effect, right?
Dr. McDonald: Yes, in fact one thing I’m really excited about is the clarity and sense of purpose and strong passionate, lacking-excuse defense of full re-opening of normal society in specific parts of the country, specific states, like Florida, like Texas, like North Dakota, where I’m 100 % certain, the social, economic, political, psychological health of those people will rapidly rise and return to close to normal very very quickly and that will be seen and shown throughout the country as a shining star, as an example, that even people who are jealous, who are envious, people who don’t want to get better will see that and say: You know what, I want some of that! And they’ll start demanding it. They’ll start going to the representatives or start going to their stores, going to their churches and they’ll say: We need to get this back, I don’t wanna be left behind, I don’t wanna be left out, I wanna be like Texas, I wanna be like Florida, I wanna be like North Dakota. That is a really powerful force that can create, as you said a domino effect and a wave that will sweep away all of the remaining restrictions and cobwebs and will also hopefully sweep away the detritus, the malicious powers and individuals and groups that’ve been feeding this and maintaining this illness for so long. And I hope, usher in a new group of people who can lead with virtue and with compassion and with strength and courage. You know, I can see things going absolutely south, I do see that possibility, I’m not foolish,
Dan: Right
Dr. McDonald: …but I also see the possibility of this to be a house cleaning opportunity. And despite the fact we already lost a lot of lives, we lost a lot of economic productivity, we've, like I said, scarred a generation, like in a war, you know, World War II, we destroyed a lot of our society. But, we also came back stronger and we rebuilt. And I think we can do it. I think, this is possible. But we have to get people on board and people have to see that there is a better way and we have to encourage and support those states that are showing a better way so that the stragglers like California and New York, Oregon and Washington will … not because they want to, but because they HAVE TO get back on board with a normal society and we have to get better people in charge. That’s my, I would say, rationally-based hope and optimism that I’m holding on to, even though I readily acknowledge that it might not go that way.
Dan: Well, that is a positive note for sure. And I think, we’ll end on that. Dr. McDonald, thank you so much for talking time with us today.
Dr. McDonald: I enjoyed it, Danny, thank you for having me.
Dan: Great, bye-bye.
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