Ham Radio Technician Class License Course 2022-2026

1 year ago

Ham Radio Technician Class - Presentation given by the Hurst Amateur Radio Club, W5HRC, for those interested in getting their first Ham Radio License.

This is a 3-part class for the 2022-2026 question pool. Material follows this book - https://amzn.to/46SbMmH

W5HRC Website: https://w5hrc.org
Tech Class Slides: https://w5hrc.org/techclassslides

★★★Links Spoken about in this video★★★
Summer 2023 Giveaway - https://hr2.li/summer2023
BetterSafeRadio - http://hr2.li/jv3a5
Gigaparts - https://hr2.li/gigaparts
Bridgecom Systems - DMR Radios - http://hr2.li/qpfgp

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R&L Electronics - https://www.randl.com
Buy Two Way Radios - http://hr2.li/7q211
Bridgecom Systems - http://hr2.li/qpfgp
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FlexRadio - https://flexradio.com
BaofengTech - https://baofengtech.com


Mail: 2150 W. Northwest Highway STE114-1163, Grapevine TX 76051
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#Hamradio #hamradiolicenseclass #gettingyourhamradiolicense

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