MyLegacy; Announce 1 Why the chanel have the name My Legacy?

1 year ago

Ever video of my channel will be like a part of collection who represent the big puzzle of reality.

Why is the chanel have a name My Legacy?
Ultimately everyone will leave a legacy.
You will leave a legacy even if you do not think to leave a legacy.
The question is what kind of legacy you will leave?
In my case i have verry IMPORTANT knowelege to share.
Knowellege without wich no civilizaton in this universe can survive.

The People are far more confused than they think they are.
And I am here to explain the reality.
In my case, I have very important knowledge to share that others don't realize
I will give information that no one else will give you, information about reality.
What we are doing and what is actually happening.

My goal is to wake up the people from the rosy dreams or nightmares that they think are realities.
It is about psychology because only the understanding of psychology can provide a solution to the problems that this civilization has now and in the future.
Yea, I will explain psychology to you like no one else can do.

Sorry for the video quality i do it with 50 dollar mobile phone.
Just i want to deliver this knowledge no matter what.
Because i think we are very close to nuclear apocalypse.
This Knowelege is for people who will survive if any.
Later on i will improve the quality and will record the same topics in better version.
If you want to help the project, just buy me a coffee.
Thanks in advance.
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