Ex-Vice President of Pfizer on Corona: Facts no longer matter!

1 year ago

The former vice president of US pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, has voiced serious accusations against the globally practiced Corona policy in a video report. Dr. Yeadon is an expert in allergy and respiratory therapy with 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has published over 40 research articles and now consults for a number of biotechnology companies.
The video was deleted from YouTube only two hours after it appeared. This is yet another attempt to suppress the assessment of an expert scientific voice on the corona crisis. Dr. Michael Yeadon expresses concern that science and facts mean less and less. He goes on to say, "I know a lot about immunology, infection, inflammation, and the way infectious organisms move through a population. I have no other reason to give this interview than that I really care about what happens in my country!"

The original English video was kindly made available to Kla.tv. Listen now to the remarks of Dr. Michael Yeadon.

from rg
Video «Dr. Michael Yeadon, Ex Vizepräsident von Pfizer / Es gibt keine 2. Welle»:

Artikel: Ex-Vizepräsident von Pfizer betrachtet die 2. Welle als Fake:

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