Trump's Helicopter Sacrifice Pt 1.

1 year ago

October 10, 1989, three casino executives who worked for the
Trump Organization died in a helicopter crash. 2 pilots also died

The Illuminati started on 5/1/1776. From the date of the illuminati to the date of this helicopter crash on 10/10/1989.

Trump was 777 within hours old during the crash

Trump Castle 6/17/1985-October 10, 1989. Separation of 666 seconds.

Trilateral Commission 7/23/1972-October 10, 1989.
Separation of 283 seconds. October 10, 1989= 283rd day.
628 in days. Skull and Bones found on 628.

Trilateral Commission 1st meeting 10/21/1973- October 10, 1989.
Separation of 19 days 11 months between.

10*10*19*89= 9/11 1+1+1+9+8+9= 29 (2+9= 11.)

10*10*1989= 1989 ten ten nineteen eighty nine= 5 words 24 letters.

Trump Castle became official on 524. (5+4= 9) (+2= 11).

10101989/10= 10101989

1010/614-Trump= 9/11
10101989/369= 666

Helicopter Details
Time of crash 13:29 or 1:29. (2+9= 11).
Model: Agusta A109AMKII. (9 a= 1. A= 1). MK= Mind Kontrolle

Company: Paramount Aviation= 17 letters 2 words, 210 to #’s= 229

MSN#= 7309. (7+3+0+9= 19). (10=1+9).
This helicopter has a takeoff weight of 5,732. (5*7*3*2= 210). (210) (10+10). Its ceiling ft= 15,000). Donald John Trump= 15 letters.

Crash happened in 1989 as Nineteen Eighty Nine +1989= 9/11.

Melania Knauss or now know by as an MK Ultra Beta Slave.

MK Ultra Sex Slave= 183 to #’s 20 letters= 203.
Donald John Trump= 203

Donald John Trump= 203
MK Ultra Sex Slave= 203

Model: Agusta A109AMKII. Melania Knauss
Crash 1989. Melania meets Trump in 1998

Melania 4/26/1970. Crash 10/10/1989. Separation of 10 in minutes and 1015 weeks. Crash 10/10. Melania Knauss 13 letters 2 words. (13+2= 15).

Donald John Trump= 15 letters. 5 months 14 days between dates.
Buffalo Shooting 514. 19 years. 1015 weeks. 9/11.
Melania Trump was 911 days old when the Buffalo Shooting happened.

Melania Trump= 12 letters 2 words. Illuminati 122.
(12+2= 14). Trump also was born on 14th.
614 in seconds. Trump 614. 140 in seconds. Melania Knauss= 140.


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