Biden corruption – more evidence

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1 year ago

Biden corruption – more evidence
By Terry A. Hurlbut
House and Senate Republicans yesterday released yet more evidence of corrupt dealings by President Joe Biden and his son. This new evidence confirms everything Republicans have said of the pair for the last five years. The only question that remains is: what will anyone do about it?
Biden and son dealing with Ukraine
Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) returned to a theme he sounded a month earlier. Which is that an executive with Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company, kept seventeen recordings of his conversations with the Bidens. These included two conversations with the President himself and fifteen with his son Hunter. Today the newsletter US Burning posted more details that Sen. Grassley released yesterday.
Until today this had been no more than yet another allegation that Democratic Senators (and Representatives) could dismiss. But now Senator Grassley has the Form FD-1023 saying what the FBI informant actually said about those recordings. The Daily Wire had further details. Twitter user Sean Davis tweeted a photo of that FD-1023.
The House Oversight Committee released two photos of this document:
The name of the Ukrainian executive is Mykola Zlochevsky – the co-founder and CEO of the company. According to The Daily Wire and US Burning, Zlochevsky told the FBI’s “Confidential Human Source” that, during an August 5, 2016 meeting, he had to pay five million dollars each to Joe and Hunter Biden. In exchange, then-Vice-President Biden put pressure on the Ukrainian government to five Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma with a view to a probable prosecution for financial chicane.
In the course of this transaction, Zlochevsky had seventeen telephone conversations with the Bidens – and recorded each one. In describing the payments, Zlochevsky used the word poluchili. Normally that translates as “got it” or “received it.” But in Russian criminal slang, it means “coerced to pay.”
Why this remained hidden
This is the same FD-1023 form the FBI consistently refused to disclose, even in response to a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee. Furthermore, it is one of several pieces of information the FBI has.
Nor is this the only story about the Bidens to surface in recent weeks. US Burning, and contributor Darrell L. Castle, had separate stories about the Bidens’ involvement with a Chinese oligarch. Two WhatsApp messages from 2017 give the details. In July, Hunter Biden sent this message to Henry Zhao, an executive with a Chinese energy company. Hunter allegedly said this:
I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing White House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration.
This is consistent with a telephone conversation between Hunter and Zhao. According to a CBS News transcript, Hunter said this:
I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight, and Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.
The “Chairman” apparently is Ye Jianming. A WhatsApp message dated August 3, 2017, from Hunter Biden to another executive, reads:
The Biden’s are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this [partnership].
According to US Burning, the “Chairman” has been missing and presumed dead since 2018.
Off-color photographs of Hunter Biden
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also tweeted photos of the FD-1023 document.
In this long-form tweet, she suggested President Biden was leading America to war in Ukraine to cover his son’s dealings.
But the congresswoman had more. She accused Hunter Biden of violation of the Mann Act – 18 U.S.C. §2421A. That law, as amended, provides for a fine, up to 10 years in prison, or both, for trafficking a person across State lines or into the country for sexual purposes. If more than five victims are involved, or the actor acted in reckless disregard of the role of such conduct in contributing to sex trafficking, the penalty goes up to 25 years. The law also provides for civil recovery and mandatory restitution. Only if prostitution is legal at destination does this Act not apply.
Rep. Taylor-Greene introduced, in the House Oversight Committee, a copy of a flight ticket for which Hunter Biden paid to fly a woman across country so that he could enjoy her intimate company.
The day before, she showed images from Hunter’s Laptop showing him with prostitutes.
She did at least call for parental discretion – and showed the images to lay a foundation for another charge. Namely that Hunter Biden wrote off prostitutes’ fees as a business expense.
What’s the big deal?
The big deal begins with the very likely scenario that, had Democrats caught Donald Trump or any other Republican behaving similarly, they would have introduced Articles of Impeachment. And they probably would have gotten a conviction. Because, unlike Democrats, Republicans expect better of officeholders of both Parties, or of independents.
Democrats, apparently, do not. Nothing matters except support for their ideology and agenda.
We have willing dames enough. There cannot be / that vulture in you to devour so many / as would to greatness dedicate themselves, / finding it so inclin’d.
MacBeth IV.iii.74-77
This is why the Senate, then in Democratic hands, acquitted Bill Clinton of perjury in connection with Monica Lewinsky. Indeed their every witness in that impeachment trial testified, not to dispute the facts that Special Counsel Kenneth Starr adduced, but to Bill Clinton’s furtherance of an agenda closely akin to redistribution of wealth.
And that is likely to happen this time. Only if Democrats have decided no longer to risk Joe Biden in the White House, would the Senate ever convict. They have an out, and her name is Kamala Harris. Then again, if the Democrats were ready for her to take over, she would already have gathered signatures on an Amendment XXV Section 4 declaration. We all remember how the legacy media blew smoke along that line last fall.
Nevertheless, this is indeed the biggest corruption scandal ever to involve a sitting President. Not even Warren Harding with his Teapot Dome scandal can match this. All Americans of voting age must ask themselves whether they can ever trust a Democrat again after this.
Link to:
The article:

The Form FD-1023

Three tweets sharing parts of this form:

Mann Act text:

Tweets showing or linking to:
The flight ticket:
Images of Hunter with prostitutes:
Story in The Daily Mail:

Declarations of Truth Twitter feed:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

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