Article Video - Questions from Oregon --- and Answers - Tuesday, July 18, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Questions from Oregon --- and Answers - Tuesday, July 18, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The Belchers came over from England in 1608 and began building Boston, especially the Old South Church which still stands. They served as ministers there for 200 years.

They were key members of the entire process leading up to the Revolution and served in the Continental Army. Some members were Tories, like Governor Jonathan Belcher who founded Princeton University, and others were Patriots, like our ancestor, William Belcher, a Colonel from Connecticut who fought in the Battle of White Plains and other notable fights.

As explained numerous times, "Belcher" is an Anglicization of "Belle Cher" which is a Norman French Clan Name, not a Surname at all. Similar to the Scottish and Irish Clans, the Chieftain is simply called "The" Belle Cher.

Jim is a direct lineal descendant of William Belcher, the Colonel from Connecticut who served with George Washington, and who later shared his "sovereignty in his own right" acquired from William the Conqueror with all the members of the Continental Army and all Americans born on our soil forever after.

So, every American is a king or queen, equal to William Belcher or any other Heir of the Norman Conquest.

William also issued the flag and Great Seals in his sovereign capacity, so the Great Seals are ours and every ship that has ever sailed under them technically belongs to us.

As part of the effort to organize there were three authorities established that can call the States into Session --- a quorum of nine States, or the President, or the Head of State.

In 2019 there was only one State left in Session, no President elected since the 1870s, and that left it down to Jim to act as Head of State. He didn't want to do it, but, considering the condition that this country is in....

Here we are, whether we want to be or not.

I explained one more time why it is not possible or desirable for any separate group calling itself a "Jural Assembly" to form apart from the already pre-existing Oregon Assembly. There is only one Assembly in each State and the Jural Assembly is a subset of the General Assembly. The Jury Pool for the Jural Assembly is drawn from the General Assembly Membership.

If it were otherwise we'd have two dozen "Jural Assemblies" out in the bushes acting as vigilantes and pretending to represent the whole State, and wholly without reference to the actual government of the State, which is embodied by The Oregon Assembly, that is, the General Assembly.

Where Ron and Company got the idea that a "Jural Assembly" was the defining factor establishing a State Government, I do not know; I suspect that they were misled in that assumption by a group formed in Michigan that was inspired by General Douglas MacArthur.

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