12-SP15: Initiation Point = there is a purpose and a mission

1 year ago

In the Third Dimension time/space reality there is a purpose and a mission and a course of action that moves from an initiation point to a completion. As you follow this path and seek to move towards that solution there is always a further solution that is set out beyond the one that is being found. There is a continuation of the stream that is you and you are the stream and you are the creator of that stream and this energy that is moving from the initiation point to the solution is the energy of the emotion that you are creating.

So, as you are creating this emotion you are understanding that it is part of the time/space continuum, and in this time/space continuum there is a belief that if you spend enough time you will eventually reach the right space. This is an error of consciousness because based on time are being a creative flexible unit that they both rely on each other so as time ends so does space compress As time extends space goes out infinitely.

From the standpoint of your consciousness you are the creator of time and space and being that Creator you are now pushing towards a solution and in that creation of the solution you are ending time through your ability to manage your consciousness and by ending time you are compressing space.

Together they are funneling all the energies and all the karmic situations which are the actions and reactions of past formulations and past initiations of the energy towards these solutions. And all these records that have been kept, all these memories, thoughts, experiences and fundamental creations that have been put into place that have moved along with momentum and energy are now being considered to be either blockages or assistance that allow you to reach forth and find a creative completion to the initiated path that is part of the designated flow.

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