Dr. Miriam Grossman: Evil and Madness of Transgenderism

1 year ago

One cannot change his or her sex by taking hormones or mutilating reproductive organs since every cell of our body is created male or female on a chromosomal level. Gender dysphoria, a condition in which one feels at odds with his or her biology, is exceedingly rare and does not require life-altering interventions. At the same time, the consequences of such interventions can be nothing short of catastrophic for children and their families. Permanent sterilization is only one of the consequences one might experience after undergoing a "transition." That is why the pervasive ideology and practice of transgenderism are nothing but madness, according to Dr. Miriam Grossman. 

Why are more and more children and teens diagnosed with once rare gender disorders? Why are gender clinics popping up across the nation? That is because groomers, activists and useful idiots in the education system, the government, and on the Internet spread dangerous and scientifically baseless ideas that confuse young minds. In this interview with The New American, Dr. Grossman, a seasoned psychiatrist treating children, adolescents and adults, talks about her new book, Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness, addresses the HHS protocol on "standard of care" for "transgender" youth and urges parents to protect their families from the catastrophic evil of transgenderism. 

To learn more about Dr. Miriam Grossman and her work, please click here:

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