Preparing For Cybergeddon

1 year ago

#cybersecurity #digitaleconomy #prepping Many of you may be asking, what is cybergeddon? Until recently it has been a term that few people have talked about however, with the emergence of 5th generation warfare and hactivism the world has become a more dangerous place. As we evolve to embrace the new technologies at a very fast pace, the importance of Cyber Security has has grown with it.

Warfare5th generation warfare is something that has recently been talked about by a small handful of military leaders however, it is the natural evolution of warfare. First generation warfare was fought with large armies using crafted tools such as phalanx, second generation warfare was the introduction of muskets and gunpowder, third generation warfare focused on speed and fourth generation warfare was the decentralization of the military where private companies like the Wagner Group are contracted by governments to wage war on their behalf. The introduction of 5th generation warfare means that wars will be fought less on the battlefield and more in the public square.

The average person, when thinking about war, thinks that future wars will be fought on the battlefield like WW2 or Vietnam however, there is little public support for wars with heavy casualties. This has caused state actors to change the way they wage war from the battlefield to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Most people are unaware that America lost Vietnam due to tacticscommonly used in 5th generation warfare. If you ask anyone who lived during that time they will tell you that when support for the war was lost at home, the Vietnam war was lost. Ho Chi Mihn andthe Communists were able to infiltrate our society and erode us from within through protests and showing what was really happening in Vietnam. Although it may not be talked about, the American government took note and has prepared to master this new form of warfare.

The average person does not realize that America has been defending itself from this new type of warfare since 2020 starting with the misinformation surrounding the election. As Americans we are tied to technology and it is easy to get a story to take traction for both sides. As a result it has causedan even wider division within our country that has led to protests and other forms of civil unrest.

You may think that this was the end, but it was only the beginning. Since the 2020 election America has dealt with an increasing amount of Cyber Attacks from state and non-state actors that have attacked our financial institutions, food supply and energy production. Over the last couple of years we have even seen single individuals, not armies, attack power stations and incite civil unrest over issues that would otherwise be non-controversial such as the George Floyd protests.

Unfortunately America is at war and doesn’t even know it because the information provided is either suppressed or spun in such a way that it has sown even more distrust.In the modern era of the 3rd millennium wars will be waged over the internet. This in turn will lead to a revolution in Cyber Security to protect privacy and property from those who would like to
cause harm. As society adjusts to this new form of warfare there will be a lot of confusion and distrust in the institutions that were formerly trustworthy such as the MSM or government officials. There is a passage in the Christian Bible that talks about how every man’s sins will be posted on his door, I think it was a revelation of the current times we live in now with 5th generation warfare

If you thought that 5th generation warfare was scary, hactivism should scare you even more. There isnothing more scary than one individual who, in their own mind, thinks their point of view or way oflife should be imposed on the masses. As climate change angst grows there will be more and more people who will use their knowledge of technology to wage war with those who they deem to be a threat regardless of facts.


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