Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Lyn Delmastro-Thomson - 07.20.23

1 year ago

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series, welcomed to today’s podcast, Thursday, July 20, 2023, Lyn Delmastro-Thompson. Lyn is a certified hypnotist, energy healer, and entrepreneur for the past 13 years. Lyn is also the Author of the Amazon Best Seller, You Are Not Your Diagnosis.

This is my 3rd time having the pleasure and honor of interviewing Lyn. She was a guest on the podcast I co-host with my sister, TwoSistas, on her solo podcast on March 13, 2023 and a few days later on the celebration of our 600th episode on March 18, 2023.

The life-changing dramatic diagnosis of having a form of leukemia had a major impact on her life. She underwent 3-years of chemo treatment; however, despite the fact that her blood work was starting to look better, her health further declined and this deeply affected her mindset. She lost an extreme amount of weight and of course reported this all to her physicians. Lyn instinctively knew that something was just not right. Thankfully, she followed her instinct!

Lyn started to explore different holistic types of therapy and after finally being seen by another physician, she learned that she had been misdiagnosed with leukemia, she became passionate about sharing her message. (I can’t even imagine being told that you were misdiagnosed / how does this happen? It’s more common than you think.)

Lyn believes that a chronic illness diagnosis doesn't have to be a life sentence (she certainly did not accept the status quo.) Lyn works with women with chronic health symptoms who want more energy so they have peace of mind, live a meaningful life, and be independent.

Lyn’s gaslighting journey through the perils of 3-years knowing she was diagnosed with leukemia, her body knowing that something was not adding up and having the patience to finally accept that she had to be her own advocate paid off - it was not easy but she is where she is today because of what she went through. “Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer; seek that referral for a 2nd opinion”. Lyn did and now she of course realizes that she had the opportunity to share the impact of what transpired with her journey in a way that helps others. She has done that and more!

To connect with Lyn further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will inspire others as Lyn’s certainly has! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Lyn - “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!

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