Jim Carrey Illuminati “ Reveal “ Interview

1 year ago

He laid it all out there.

He was funny. But not always.
But that’s a huge problem.

Some of the most wicked are the mostly funny characters we see. They goof around about drinking “ Tigers Blood “ ( Charlie Sheen ). Eating young kids ( Dwayne “ The Rock “ Johnson , etc

Bust sooner or later they face a GITMO HANGING NAVY JAG JUDGE like Admiral Darse Crandall.

That’s when they stop laughing and start crying.

And that’s the way the cookie crumbles

You touch our kids, you eat their brains, You traffic other human beings into slavery, you sabotage the government, you leave our borders undefended, you Profit on the blood of our soldiers. Then you get to
“hang around “ in Cuba for a couple of days before being tossed into the dustbin of eternity. ~ Thomas W. Trefts


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