Coach Wayne Brooks & RBS Activewear

1 year ago

Coach Brooks & his lovely wife, Cathy; take a road trip to St. Augustine, Florida. Coach Brooks is a historian & talks about some of the history of the oldest city in America.

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The next time you are in need of gear for your team & staff, give our friends at RBS Activewear a chance to exceed your expectations when it comes to ordering your gear online. Trust me, you’ll thank me later! Make it a point to visit RBS Activewear’s website:
Free Website Guys Advertisement
Coach, have you ever considered having a website built for you & your program? I know it is becoming more common for coaches to have websites built for their programs, as it does make a coach's life easier. Think about it, you can post all of your information, film, scouting reports, & use it as a communication tool. Plus, if you leave for a new job, you will always have access to your old game films & information you might need down the road. Additionally, it’s much cheaper than paying for a game film/stat service every year. If I was ever to become a head coach again, this is the route I’d go. If you would like a website built for you for free, contact the Free Website Guys and apply for their services. I did & had a fantastic experience with the Free Website Guys; especially since I’m not tech savvy. Their contact information is listed in the “RBCN Recommended'' section of this newsletter. As you fill out their short online application, be sure to tell Sven & his crew that you heard about the Free Website Guys from the Rustbelt Basketball Coaches’ Network staff or Derek Sheridan.

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