Former prime minister of Malasya said in 2015 what will happen next

1 year ago

Remember That One Time Back In March Of 2015 At The International Conference Of The New World Order When The Former, & Later, Future Prime Minister Of Malaysia Told Us EXACTLY What Was Going To Happen … Including Mass Sterilization, Starvation, & Genocide?
NWO: A Recipe For War Or Peace
Dr Mohamad Mahathir is an antisemite, he also said the State of Israel should be destroyed. Like Hitler his mistake is to blame all the jews for the wrong doing of some of us. The Rockfellers are a christian family, one of their members recently got engaged with a jewish woman and their children are considered jewish. That means the Rockfellers are jewish ? Of course not, part of them became jewish, others remained protestant christians. But antisemites refer to the them as all jewish... In the Illuminati there are many christians, between central banks owners there are not only the Rothchilds, there are christian families as well (the Carnegy, Orsini etc).
Half of world jewish population (7 million jews) live in Israel. Mohamed wanted to destroy the country we live in. This is wrong as was all the Nazism.

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