The First Landing: 1607

1 year ago

Do you want to understand why and how our Godly American culture was infiltrated, taken over, then replaced with our current culture of death?

I shared this during our wonderful program at our First Landing event on Wednesday, April 26th.

We Re-Dedicated our nation back to God, the way we did in the original Covenant we made with God on this date in the year of our LORD, 1607.
That was 416 years ago.

A great core team of organizers and many fantastic speakers made this event a huge success. Glenn Beck was the keynote speaker at our evening event.

I was blessed and honored to be the first speaker.

I was tasked with speaking on "Current American Culture," But I had to start with "original American culture," then work my way up to modern times.

This was the speech the LORD gave me.

I pray that it blesses you. It's only 16 minutes long. I'll be back live next week for another SUNDAY MESSAGE.

I am asking all of you to Please SHARE this message far and wide, as it was seen in 72 countries, by tens of thousands of people; but on my FB page, only 1400 have seen it.

Very strange, since I have almost 5,000 FB friends. I'm asking you to invest 16 minutes to watch the entire speech, then help me fight the algorithm, and SHARE with family and friends.

Thank you.

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