once a month we know, for sure, that we are a woman

1 year ago

why do women need to be told this
everyone is on a different time table
remember those bathroom videos from back in the day *aimless channel below if you are at all interested
vagina plug found
i say goodbye to everything i throw away
this method has eliminated a lotta unnecessarily hoarded things that belong in the trash
in case you needed additional proof that i have ovaries
relationships are yucky yuck
once again lost my train of thought
this would go well with vodka
i definitely got used to vodka haha
i've gotten kicked outta places for bringing my own booze
back in my liberal days i was passing around a bottle of jack at a gay club n got in a fight w/ 2 bouncers who threw me out
menstruation always reminds me of how much of a gift it is to be able to bring life into this world
why not just be a trance! man
how much worse will it get???
this poster is just amazing
normies strongly desire to fuck
art is the new sex is sumin i really wanna believe
tv always on (boomer parents)
LSD mirrors right here
two mirrors facing each other reflect the same exact thing ad infinitum
this is the women's restroom of bobby's idle hour by the way
physical release that's it
fantasizing can take a drastic turn esp when compulsions are involved
make art. read the Bible. take walks. eat bananas.
if i am not gonna create life then i must create an artistic sacrifice
asexual weirdos right
ROMO *reality of missing out, fuck yeah

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