The Sting

1 year ago

Zev and friends
Facebook video posted by Wayne Newman on 15th July 2023
The Sting
Zev Freeman @Staying Alive March 2nd 2022
About the misconceptions and slander about Pecker Maroo owning half of Australia = BS
Furthermore... some wonderful information was revealed about the fake government in 'Australia'..
A few friends in Australia, Brian, decided to register a few of the government departments as businesses, not because they wanted to own Australia or for any nefarious purposes, but to expose the truth that our government is in fact not a government, and a bunch of companies, corporations and businesses, all have their own ABN’s and ACN’s.
This started when a friend registered Victoria Fines and Fines Victoria, when he went to challenge a fine in Victoria and looked up who owns Fines Victoria, to see someone had a registered name.
A few of us (Zev and so on) thought that was a brilliant idea and went nuts and registered a few of the business departments of the government for ourselves for the sole purpose of (1) exposing the truth that our ‘government ‘ is in fact a company and a corporation and a business, and in fact not the government, and also (2) so that our crooked corrupt and tyrannical government know to not use these names or these business names against we the people.
So, nothing nefarious there, it was a bit of a coordinated attack on our government.
Zev and Brian also registered a whole host of other business names departments, supposedly part of the government, which again, they’re not, they’re companies and businesses and corporations.
Zev wanted to set the record straight about how it all happened and why. Some people thought it was some evil corporation, which they’re not.
If you look up business names, like I’ve got the business certificate registrations for here, these are the actual ASIC certificates for the businesses that we registered.
Showing Records of Registration for Business Name:
• The executive office of EMFR (electromagnetic frequency radiation)
• The telecommunications office
• State revenue office Victoria
• Office of Fair Trading
• Office of the PM
Brian registered a host of names including the Governor and Attorney General’s Office of every state, Pauline Hansen’s One Nation Party and the One Nation Party and a few others.
Friends in South Australia registered SAPOL(?) and a few other names.
Zev did it so they can’t use those names against us. The same reason that Pecker Maroo registered all the names that they did.
• Office of the governor general
• Governor general of Australia
• Governor of South Australia
• Governor of new south Wales
• Governor of Queensland
• Governor of Victoria
• Governor of western Australia
• The common law courts Australia
• Australian common law
He said if the government was running as it should be run, they should not have been able to do this.
Zev said, well if they were actually gov departments they (Zev and friends) should not have been able to register them as a business.
Brian said no corporation could act for or as government. They’re either working as government for we the people, or they’re a corporation and they have nothing to do with us, we the people.
Zev said they are corporations operating for their own private benefit, against we the people, not for we the people.
Brian said that for a number of those names he had to get manual approval.
Pecker Maroo speaks (CLC backdrop) – yes we started doing it as a bit of a joke, registering council names and land titles offices, office of land titles Australia, service New South Wales, Revenue New South Wales, the liberal party of Australia, the labour party of Australia... about 68 names pecker Maroo has registered, including the queen of Australia.
We couldn’t believe that these names were even available, because most of these companies that are already collecting money off the people, we the people, they send out pieces of paper under these names and demand money from people. She wonders how long a business would last with sending invoices to people and collecting money if not registered. (not long I think she means) But it seems that ASIS and these corporations can have all of these trade names and send pieces of paper to people and they pay them lots of money.
Zev said; none of these ‘businesses’ were even registered.
And then we sent letters to ASIC ...ASIC contacted and saying stop registering these names, you can’t do it. So they kept going, think aspa (?) is one of them as well.. births, deaths and marriages...
Then ASIC said, we want the names back and you can’t have them. Then we’ve gone no, offer and acceptance, and payment of the money, you don’t get to change the terms and conditions of the contract.
Zev explains: ASIC said the names were undesirable to the Crown and commonwealth. Now to me the crown and commonwealth are pretty undesirable to me as well so I was ok with that. So because they sent a letter making an offer to make amendments to the contract which some of us are too happy with, we sent ASIC back a counter offer/offer to contract. And we acknowledged in that notice we gave them, that they weren’t too happy with the current names, they would like to make changes to the current contract that we had.
Now as we hadn’t agreed, accepted or consented to any of the said changes that ASIC were offering, we thought that we’d offer them changes to the contract that we would be happy to accept and consent to, since they made it very clear that some changes needed to be made to the contract, and you can’t make changes to a contract without all parties agreeing and all accepting or consenting to that.
So we sent back a notice to counter offer/offer to contract, and we all this this to varying amounts on it. ASIC were kind enough to give us 3 offers and 3 weeks to respond to that, so we put them on notice, and we gave them 3 options of our own and 3 weeks to respond to that notice.
Now on that notice we gave them a few options
1 was around $100,000 per day for using our business name, plus 20% of all takings made in with or in conjunction with our legally owned business names
2 was they could buy these names back off us for between 10 and 20 million dollars apiece
3 was the release of all the names and the trust accounts for the cest que vie -otherwise known as the strawman account - for a list of names to be provided at a later date should they proceed with option number 3
We also put a clause in this notice we put ASIC on, letting them know that if they did not respond within the 3 week deadline, then tacit acquiescence would apply, and we may then, by their silence, enter them into a tacit agreement to one of the above-mentioned 3 options.
Now with my names for example I chose to go with option 2 and I’ve then let ASIC know they now owe me 50 million dollars. I believe they owe you Brian about 12 billion, for the common law courts, we’ve made a ruling that they had to pay Brian out for all the names he registered, after we had them valued by a competent assessor and expert valuer, and I believe Pecker Maroo is owed billions of dollars for their names, for ASIC wanting them back as well.
To date none of us have received any money, and I want to make it very clear to everyone watching, it was never about the money. It was only ever about exposing the truth, the fraud and the corruption surrounding our government, and to take these names so the bloody tyrannical crooked corrupt government could not use these names of these businesses against we the people.
Now the thing to point out for everyone watching this is how the hell are they trading with all these names and sending bills and invoices and fines and penalties and all sorts of crap from these ‘businesses’ which aren’t registered? How is it that we, free ordinary people were able to register all of these names to ourselves?
Pecker Maroo; the interesting thing was in to-ing and fro-ing to ASIC with our paperwork, the 3 of us, I also registered all these names on the PPSR and what I had documented through ASIC and the amount of millions of dollars for each name, if they want to take them back. I then registered everything on the common law court book of deeds in the UK. So not only have they been registered with ASIC, they’ve been registered with the PPSR and have been registered with the common law court book of deeds in the UK.
So when ASIC decided that no, you can’t have these names and here’s your money back, they’ve now changed the terms and conditions or started a new contract, with which we did not have any agreement, no meeting of the minds for any new contract. But it appears that ASIC can just change the rules as they suit.
Zev: the basic rules of a contract: offer, acceptance, joinder, mutuality, capacity, legality. now it was available, readily available on the ASIC website, we engaged and accepted that offer quite happily, there was a mutual exchange of mutuality there to make the contract binding, because they made an offer, we could see the benefit of accepting that, and they accepted money by way of finalizing that contract. This is why we all got sent certificates and ASIC keys to the names of these businesses, making it all legal, that we are all over the age of 18, we have the legal capacity to enter into a contract, as do the idiots from ASIC who signed off on all this and manually approved some of our business names.
So this covers us for the legal grounds, definitions of a contract – we’ve got the offer, we’ve got the acceptance, mutuality, joinder, capacity and legality. And ASIC decided they were outside of the bounds of law, as so many of these government businesses or ‘departments’ often do and decided they were going to do things their own way to shaft all of us because they didn’t want the truth getting out that people can register government departments as a business because that’s what they are. They are businesses, companies and corporations. They are not the government.
And this is why this was tried to be covered up. Why information has been suppressed on the internet, it was none of us that suppressed any of that information. It’s been ASIC and our corrupt government or the corporations masquerading as the government, that has attempted to suppress the information to stop people knowing that our government is nothing more than a business or a company or a corporation.
Brian; our government can’t even prove that it exists. It operates as a corporation with an ABN number against the constitution of the commonwealth of Australia. I’ve got the documents here, it’s registered on Dun and Bradstreet, it’s got the addresses there for where they’re registered.
Zev; commonwealth of Australia registered with an ABN, and has a CIK number to be registered on the American Securities and Exchange Commission, the actual office of the commonwealth of Australia is registered in California. Anyone can use Brave or duckduckgo and lookup ciklookup and punch in ‘commonwealth of Australia’.
You can also go into ABN lookup and look for various bodies, but there is no Australia or Australian government or government of Australia anymore – they’re not trading. If they were they would require an ABN.
Pecker Maroo: not only did ASIC just deregister everything, with no new terms and conditions, the PPSR, which I believe and I have always been told that the PPSR is a website where you can register your interest in something that you have paid for, so PPSR decided to just take all the names down without any notification, so there’s another organisation – another corporation – that just make up the rules to suit.
Zev: that’s the Private Property Securities Registration, the Australian version almost of the UCC, where you can register your private property and your securities and supposedly have it registered privately so that no-one else can touch it... unless of course you are doing anything against our corrupt government ... they can remove what they like off the PPSR for you, without your consent.
Have a look for other business names, there were a lot of us around Australia that registered a whole host of supposed government departments to ourselves as businesses because that is exactly what they are. They have their own ABN’s, government doesn’t have one anymore, if you look it up it’s not there... it’s a foreign power registered in California.
Brian; we’ve registered those names in the common law court in the UK, they are registered, they have a number, and they are in the book of deeds. Stating that in a sense we are the lawful owners of those names.
Zev; yes the government acts outside of the ‘laws’ that they want all of us to abide by.
Pecker Maroo; I’d also like to tell the world out there we have not received one dollar.
Zev; this was never about the money, it was about exposing the truth, the fraud and corruption, as a way of protecting we the people..
Brian; Those names should have already been registered if they were actually the government.
Pecker Maroo; The names should not have been available.
Brian; this government is absolutely corrupt, a cartel under the cover of law...
Pecker Maroo; let’s fill people in on the queen of Australia.
Zev; the queen of Australia is a fictitious dead entity ..

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