Article Video - Notice the Time Warp, Again - Friday, July 14, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Notice the Time Warp, Again - Friday, July 14, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Some people are seeing the ugly fact that Europe is under occupation by the U.S. --- the problem is that they think this is something new, that it hasn't in fact been status quo since the tanks first rolled in.

Why else do they think that the U.S. has paid 96% of their defense costs ever since?

Why else have we had all these U.S. and NATO military bases all over Europe, all paid for by Jack and Jill back home?

Mr. Biden's deployment of American Reserves in Europe is nothing surprising, it's par for the warmonger's course.

Keep a fight going that should have been ended many months ago, with far less damage both to Russia and Ukraine, then find a way to get something more ramped up, so that the Defense Contractors can make oodles more money on death and destruction at the cost of everyone else again and again and again.

No, darlings, this is nothing new, but it is something that should have ended a long time ago--- the illegal, unlawful, and immoral occupation of Europe by the British-run U.S. and NATO.

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