borderline between narcissism n schizophrenia, that's what it means (more revelations from ag)

1 year ago

i doubt he flashed his lights at me
road rage vs road annoyance
why do you expect people to be good drivers
humans are now totally useless sociopathic machines
i can't do this number for very long due to knowing the futility of it
more revelations about bdpd
fuck the world always n forever
he's a man he can park his car
i just waved at corey and he has no idea who i am haha
in n out of dialogue w/ God
you will never be able to guilt me into being a slave
our instincts are typically on point
restaurant work has kept me simple
we are always on stage
bullshittin' and then i don't even do my jokes
when am i ever really prepared tho?
point established, the man in my head agreed

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