Prophetic word: OH New York recompense is coming to you! Cancer will cease to exist. Witchcraft

1 year ago

#newyork #new #viral #prophecy #propheticword #jesusiscomingsoon #jesus #recompense #judgementday #judgement #jesuscristo

olutions , preparation is in order , cysterines , an upheaval is coming against the nation , oh New York , oh New York recompense is coming to you . shout it down territorial strongholds . idol worship. . they will not repent . the proud the few the navy seals . armor up. New York will not repent . Gear up . what is coming is just around the corner . proprietary avenue . sequels. bloodshed . stormy weather up ahead get yourselves ready . rightful indignation . i saw Tim Ballard from sound of freedom and he was carrying a child :: never before seen witchcraft events will happen soon, my land will be great and honor me . for i have given time to repent and now you will see justice prevail . the sounds of freedom will be heard throughout the land . people will get ready they will learn how to not be compromised and seek me . seek me harder . long hours of work are needed to prepare yourselves for what’s up next . an upheaval . rightful indignation . time well spent . a new bride . a new way . a new life. new glory . the glory is mine and it will be seen upon the earth . many people will repent when they hear the sounds of freedom. i saw mel gibson . proprietary strongholds will be no more . witchcraft will end. it will cease to exist for a time . people will be hell bent on doing the will of the father in America . they shall see who I AM . different levels of my glory shall be shown through my loved ones. cancer no more . it will cease to exist . it will be brought down . you will see these things come to pass

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