The Voice Australia. Will fast track Globalist NWO Tyranny. The tower of Babel part 2.

1 year ago

Famous Flemish artist from 1500's picture the Tower Of Babel.

King James Bible old Testament. The Biblical story of Nimrod and his NWO tower to Heaven to ursurp Gods throne.

One people, one voice, collectivism, socialism. = Democide, Depoulation, Eugenics by the social Engineers.

Babel: God confused all their one voice with many languages and scattered the people to the nations. The bible narrative says nations who ally together and globalize collectively is not his will for individual humanity and sovereign countries and he puts a stop to it always at some point throughout the civilizations. History. This current NWO endgame will be no different.

European Union parliament building Strassburg was designed and modelled after the artists depiction of the Babel Tower.

They even made a EU Parliament poster to proclaim it to the world.
Many languages One Voice.

They are going at it again part 2 tower of Babel.

Obama is the New Nimrod. Pope Francis his False Prophet.

Now a political tactic is being used by our Australian government to usher in WEF rules "The Great Reset" You will own nothing and be happy about it. Sponsored by King Charles.

With an Elite Mob of Hand picked Indigenous Australians like Commie socialist Thomas Mayo to usher in the 17 goals 2030 UN agenda under the guise of Progressive, Woke, Socialist, Collective, Democracy.

Don't fall for it.

All the Mob's of Aboriginals and every Australian no matter race or roots owns this land and is of it... Born here and you are Australian no matter your Color. Pigment of the skin.

The Biblical account Genesis to Revelation History of past civilizations is of the timeframe of 6000+ years.

Young Earth Creation is Fact. Noah's Flood and Post Flood is the real narrative.

Millions/Billions of years Flora/Fauna/Geography Evolution is False.

Now through the "Voice"

"Vote Yes" propaganda we are being brainwashed to believe Aboriginals have settled here some 60,000 Years and that NOW they are the oldest living civilization on earth?

The Aleutian Islands Alaska Innuit are a old culture and they only claim to have settled there 5000 years ago.

And now The Aussie Mob Aboriginals trumps it all?

And like the NAIDOC ad on tele flogs.

Our dreamtime says "SERPENT" is our creator.

REALLY? Only a uneducated Pagan Fool would believe that.

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