The Health Benefits of Boneset

1 year ago

Traditional use

Boneset has a long and colorful history and a slightly misleading name.

Not to be confused with Comfrey (which is sometimes referred to as Boneset).

This herb takes its name from a particularly virulent strain of flu that was known as “Breakbone Fever”.

More commonly known as “Dengue Fever”, the pain in the bones was so intense it is like a broken bone, and Boneset was used to bring considerable relief.

Indigenous to the Eastern United States and Canada, Boneset was introduced to the colonists by the Native American Indians.

It was also used traditionally for colds, all kinds of fevers, malaria and typhoid.

One Native American named Joe Pye became so renowned for curing typhoid with Boneset that the herb was nicknamed “Joe Pye Weed”.


According to some research chemists, Boneset is one of the most versatile plants on the planet. Research shows that in virtually every instance where there is inflammation or infection, Boneset has proven itself most effective.

Immune Boosting

Boneset has been shown to possess antiviral properties as well as strengthening the immune system.

Other studies have found Boneset effective against minor viral and bacterial infections by stimulating the white blood cells.

Studies indicate that Boneset’s immunostimulant properties are due to the presence of certain lactones and polysaccharides in the plant.

Fever Reducer

While a high temperature or fever is a natural healing process in the body, over a certain temperature it can be dangerous and life threatening.

A powerful diaphoretic, the most famous use of Boneset is as a fever reducer.

Best taken in a hot infusion or tincture, Boneset promotes a therapeutic sweat in fevers.

It contains flavonoids and essential oils that stimulate peripheral circulation. By encouraging sweating, it forces the body to not only cool down but to also release several harmful toxins through the skin.


The immunostimulant and fever reducing properties of Boneset make this herb a good choice to alleviate the symptoms of colds and flu.

Boneset is an effective expectorant, able to loosen phlegm and reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Digestive Health

Research shows that the lactones found in Boneset stimulate digestive enzymes that are deficient in the GI tract and stimulate bile flow in the liver.

It also has a mild laxative effect, allowing waste to move through the body more easily. In larger doses it can help to expel parasites. It is recommended to consult an herbalist before using this herb in large doses.

Typical use

Boneset Tincture can be added to water or fruit juice and taken when required.

Traditional use is 2-3ml taken 2-3 times daily, or as directed by a Herbal Practitioner.

Boneset can be made into tea by infusing the herb with boiling water and steeping for 5 - 10 minutes. Boneset is a bitter herb and teaspoon of honey, or another natural sweetener is recommended.

Breastfeeding and pregnant women should not use Boneset.

If you are taking any prescription medications, please consult your healthcare professional before using Boneset.

People with liver damage should not use Boneset.

Boneset should not be used on a long-term basis (no longer than 6 months at a time).

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