Is This My Best Sketch So Far? | GW#4

11 months ago

GW4: “Race To The Ark”

I personally think this has been my best sketch so far, but it’s barely the fourth page so I guess we’ll see…
Anyway, the characters are animals, and in the story of Noah animals are called into the Ark, hence Race To The Ark…


Guess What Sketchbook:
In high school, when worksheets were passed out I would flip them over and start sketching random shapes and lines. In the midst of randomness my mind would begin to see characters, like dancing birds with hats, or pigs flying airplanes, or some childish thing like that. Sketching like this in every period, everyday for 4 years helped me have endless ideas. Most teachers gave up on trying to get me to work, since I was not disruptive. After all, I was in my own world...

Fast-forward to 10+ years later, this is my new sketchbook in which I am using the same technique. Why is it called "Guess What"? My sister in law suggested it, because it's something my 4 year old son always says. I thought it was a great name considering the unknown character/s that will come from random lines.

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