How to play Andrew Tate in D&D!

1 year ago

So your friend comes over and wants to play Andrew Tate in D&D. Lets break this down!

Want me to do a particular character next? Let me know in the comments. I read them all, and respond to most!

All art with no source is done by me. The art of Tate in a car is from one of Tate's twitter followers.

Welcome to Art of the Roll's CLASS video series! A series all about finding the #class of fictional characters.

#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #andrewtate #topg #romaniandungeon

Here's the character breakdown:

Andrew Tate
Race: Variant Human

Stats (Matt Mercer style rolling)
Str: 10
Dex: 20
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Chr: 14

Class: Monk level 11

Feats and Abilities
-Feat: Keen Mind
-Martial Arts
- Flurry of Blows
- Patient Defense
- Step of the Wind
- Stunning Strike
-Unarmored Movement
-Way of the Long Death
- Touch of Death
- Hour of Reaping
- Mastery of Death
-Ability Score Improvement
- Dex
- Wis
-Extra Attack
-Ki-Empowered Strikes
-Stillness of Mind
-Feat: Inspiring Leader
-Purity of Body


#5e #ttrpg

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