Parshat Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1): Moses, the Oral Torah, and Leadership - Rabbi Zvi Aviner

1 year ago

Some people, especially Christians, because of a belief called "Sola Scriptura" (Scripture alone), are quick to dismiss the Oral Torah without realizing their scriptures (biblical canon, translation, and interpretation) and the lineage of David all the way to the Messiah heavily depend on the Oral Torah. Why? Because the Torah prohibits a Moabite joining Israel, and Ruth is a Moabite, a great grand daughter of king Balak who hired Bilam (Balaam) to curse Israel when they were still in the desert (Numbers 22:2-25:9). Without the Oral Torah, King David and all his descendants, that includes the Messiah, would be illegitimate, which also means all scriptures that accept the Davidic lineage are not legitimate.

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