'Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up - It's Official Now' - InfoWars

1 year ago

Publication date unknown

"Shocking new facts have emerged in the Adam Lanza/Sandy Hook Massacre. Download and archive these videos, because the cover up is official now. Law enforcement servants are now threatening "social media" users about disseminating anything other than official information coming from "their microphone", while it is becoming painfully obvious that there was at least one other shooter other than Adam Lanza. The identity of the other shooter(s) is being carefully concealed by law enforcement servants. Also, it is now official that Adam Lanza DID NOT, repeat DID NOT use an "assault rifle" in the shootings. These videos prove that there was a rifle LOCKED IN THE TRUNK of a car in the parking lot, but which Lanza DID NOT have with him. Yet, this shooting is being used as a pretext to try to illegally ban "assault rifles". This also proves beyond a doubt that there were other shooter(s) involved, who are being protected by government officials. How? Because the coroner has stated (see video) that all of the people autopsied thus far were murdered using a long gun (i.e., 223 caliber), NOT by the handguns Lanza was carrying. This action of cover up makes sense only if the government itself had a hand in staging the shootings for political purposes, and therefore an interest in covering its own tracks. "

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