Find Your Sacred Y.A.S. You Are Sacred!!

1 year ago

Join Rev Ned , Dana Sparkles and Michele Amburgey for a powerful and enlightening show about finding the part of you that says YAASSSSS!!! You Are Sacred!!!!
Notice our New Time!! 4pm pst/6pm cental/7pm est!!
Join our ceremony of your remembering the Sacred within you where your world around begins to change, to evolve and become a beautiful experience of joy, peace and harmony.
Your Inner wisdom, that place you connect to The All, is reality. The outer world is finite, limited and geared to your small self. Your Inner World is infinite, limitless and the ground on which miracles, abundance and joy reside!!
And it is all Pure Love!
We cant wait to see you there!!
Ren Ned will present on of his amazing Videos, Dana will be singing us into bliss and Michele will be hoding this sacred space for you to become all that you have always been!!
We Love You!!!

Michele Amburgey

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