Aquatic Wetline W/ Aqua Alex: Top 10 Freshwater Fish From Africa

1 year ago

I LOVE freshwater fish from South America there is NO doubt about it. But, I also love fish from other parts of the world. One such part is Africa! Africa is home to another MAJORITY of aquarium fish species. It is probably the SECOND country with the most aquarium species! Africa is known for it's African Cichlids! But, for me, Aqua Alex I love other fish species from Africa. Join me on this episode of Aquatic Wetline, as I look at my top 10 Freshwater Fish from Africa! Species to be discussed include: frontosa, MBU Puffers, lungfish, synodontis catfish, and more!
Post your favorite African Freshwater fish in the comments!
Enjoy the show!
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