The Sirens of Duh! (Media Psychopaths)

1 year ago

The Sirens of Duh!
(Media Psychopaths)

The modern mass media is filled with certain people who know exactly what they’re doing as well as a lot that are but obedient simpleton followers. We have a society that no longer teaches critical thinking. I have a link towards the bottom here where you can access some of the old videos about propaganda and recognizing it. Teach your children before evil does it instead.

The Waco siege to me was a sign that the world had changed and this was where I recognized we had better wake up really fast. I mention a video by Linda Thompson. I just now located it on youtube It is called Waco, the Big Lie, (1993) Documentary by Linda Thompson. Here is the link to that.

In this version the video isn’t very clear. I noticed a few interviews missing from what I had and an overhead shot actually two of them. One was the agent on top of the tank and the other was rifle fire in the field behind the compound. When I look at all of this I look straight at Bill and Hillary Clinton. In my video I discussed Carol Howe and her being run out of Elohim city by the guy running it. In late 94 the ATF was about to raid Elohim city and the FBI stopped them. The ATF was going to go after Streismeir. He is discussed at length in The Secret Life of Bill Clinton. The author interviewed him and it’s an eye opener and damn interesting.

If you don’t type it in exactly as it is written, you won’t find it. I searched on Waco, the Big Lie and didn’t find it. Once I typed the entire title I found it. That being said I will record the entire thing before I post this. It is worth watching. Linda Thompson had a lot of videos she worked on. This is the only one I’d recommend however. I saw one she made later on and it was full of errors and lies. The person that showed me the video was clearly communicating with her and feeding her tons of dishonest information. Black SUV’s and such were intercepting people at intersections that don’t even exist. It was supposedly happening around Stennis Space Center. As we were watching this new video I recognized some of the tape he had on his table two feet away and it was missing a triangle the same size as what was shown in the video on the back side of a stop sign. It is a special reflective tape. I later learned he was also talking to a congressman from California and passing on made up stories. That congressman was ruined because he passed on those lies. As soon as I realized what was going on I severed ties with that individual. When we make things up in order to push an agenda we are even worse than our adversaries. When lies are found out that becomes the new messaging of the adversary. With that congressman I remember readig an article about him and the writer talked about how that guy could stir mustard into his coffee and nobody would even question it anymore because he’s insane.

The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories

The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda

Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism

Here are some videos about Waco. Don’t get me wrong Koresh and his followers had some issues, the planned response to them was a disaster and it is forever part of our history.
From a survivor.
Here is a 1987 interview with Koresh done by fox
Here is the initial contact.
Here is what a negotiator says about it.
Here it is from a surviving Australian.
You can find a lot more. There was a video that I got from Mike Vanderbaugh by Linda Thompson. It was on loan to a friend at the time Katrina hit and was never seen again. I think the real lesson here is that when you’re a hammer all you see is nails. Maybe we need to start sawing handles off of hammers a bit over here. Like I said they could have caught him on one of his jogs, but it wouldn’t have been the big scene Clinton was looking for the ‘example’.
Here is another one.
What was in the original video by Thompson was overead video footage that showed what was happening behind the compound. Lot’s of gunfire aimed at the compound. There was also an interview with a man who had been picking up spent brass and had it taken away from him. He was a little pissed off.

This channel introduced me to a couple of books worth reading.

This channel has a fair amount of videos regarding propaganda. It’s worth digging around in there. We have a younger generation that is clueless regarding ths issue. I knew one woman who voted for Bill Clinton because he was for women’s rights. When asked what the heck she meant you got a blank look.

Sound of Freedom is going viral.

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