Nahum Part VIII: The City of Amon Ra (3:8-13)

1 year ago

#Nahum #CupOfWrath #communion

In this study we will explore Nahum’s second taunt song in chapter three. The taunt compares Nineveh with Thebes. The Assyrians conquered Thebes in 663 BC and Nahum uses this as the backdrop for a further discussion of Nineveh’s imminent destruction. Just as Thebes, which was strong and well fortified, fell to the Assyrians, so too will Nineveh fall to Babylon.

The most interesting part of this study to me is in the discussion about the connection between the cup of Yahweh’s wrath and the cup of blessing in the new covenant. Before I started this study I was not aware of this connection but it’s well known in the scholarly literature. The final section of this video is dedicated to this topic.

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#Yahweh #Kingofkings

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