The Devil Is in the Details

1 year ago

White House Has Just Five Days to Respond to Complaint from Internationally Notorious Porn Tab Guy, and, in Science, for Every Action. . .

[FOB FREEDOM, July 19, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, . . .

At least according to Newtonian notions of physics, an object in motion stays in motion, unless countered by an equal and opposite force; so, why has the White House, and the press, in both echo chambers, elected a dubious right to remain silent about a looming deadline for the White House in federal court? One retired counterintelligence analyst weighs in.

“As you know, Howard, with your 39% acceptance rate, I began life, on the dark side, training in the desert valley below the OK Corral, to develop tactical and technical proficiency on developing a clear threat picture, or the work of intelligence, which we say drives the mission, and not long thereafter I found myself assigned in strategic counterintelligence, which, at its essence, is the art of defeating the ability of collectors to perform the job of an intelligence analyst. And, what we don’t see in the press from the beginning of the emergence of a novel virus is any attempt at all to apply some analysis to the information coming in. On December 31, 2019, we have about 15 cases, no fatalities, and a cluster associated with a venue the size of nine American football fields in a city with a population larger than the state of Virginia, so, what in the name of unholy and ignominious Hell has the WHO, the very next day, preparing a global emergency response? By mid-January, with only 41 confirmed cases, one jumping to Thailand, and only one fatality, we are beginning the process of sharing genome sequencing information, providing guidance on how other nations around the world should prepare to diagnose and treat, and I love this phrase, ‘imported cases’, not exported. I was reading the account on the infection of the Graveson boys, and anyone recall any recent stories about COVID-19 incident conjunctivitis? Neither do I. But Matthew has some asymptomatic signs, clinically distinct from symptoms, like his fever, of a runny nose, and pink eye, which, even some folks at TRADOC involved in IEDT know we might find with a little overexposure to tear gas, and, for my biological ordnance gurus, we know that a signature of the Chinese manufactured smoke munitions that were being stockpiled as early as August 2019 in China, a priority production requirement, will produce chlorine, dioxins and other toxins because they burn so hot as to cause decomposition. This train had already left the station from the beginning, which is obvious to anyone who reads the paperwork. The judge told me about my lockdown complaint, ‘too little and too late’, well, this is the obverse view: too much for too little at the beginning of a pandemic that the WHO Director said, the day before announcing the pandemic, that it would be the first pandemic that we had brought under control, and here we are, three years later, with the longest respiratory tract infection pandemic in history, ana a new market for mRNA vaccines. Thanks for playing, and good luck in senior year,” explained Major Mike Webb.

On what would be his father’s 103rd birthday, attorneys for the White House are due a responsive pleading in the federal district court in Washington to a complaint initially brought on July 7, 2021, simply to obtain any reply at all to a FOIA request, for which, since the Obama Administration’s first executive order, there is a presumption for disclosure. And, two years later, after finding the very first summons issued by any federal court in this matter in May, on July 3rd, the White House acknowledged receipt of the summons and complaint about a FOIA request it had acknowledged as received on March 23, 2021, two months after the President had tasked the Intelligence Community to redouble efforts to determine the origins of a novel coronavirus now attributed to more fatalities than the Holocaust in half the time, not exactly a winning message for a re-election campaign, and probably explaining why the President is not running on that issue, but, rather, running away. “Honey, I killed 18,000 kids,” yet perform well in focus groups amongst his Planned Parenthood supporters.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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