How Does The ApoE Gene Influence Fat Metabolism?

1 year ago

ApoE is a gene that is involved in fat metabolism in the body. It is also associated with conditions like Alzheimer’s and heart diseases. There are three types of ApoE, namely ApoE2, ApoE3, and ApoE4. All three are slightly different from one another.

The reaction of your body to fats depends on which type you carry. Most people, however, have the ApoE3 gene. And ten percent of the Asian and Hispanic population carry the ApoE4 gene, which is a rare type. People with ApoE4 have poor fat metabolism and naturally high cholesterol levels. So consuming high-fat foods may probably worsen this. A simple diet change can fix this.

People with the ApoE2 type, have low cholesterol levels, and can consume high-fat foods without it becoming an issue. A simple genetic test can reveal the type of ApoE gene you carry.

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